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 aaverage()   average of all numbers in array
 alen()       len of array without undefined elements
 afileread()  load text file into array
 afilewrite() write array of strings to file
 amacprint()  macro expand and print array
 amax()       find max value in array
 amaxn()      get element # of max value in array
 amaxstr()    get longest string in array
 amaxstrlen() get longest string length in array
 amaxstrn()   get element # of longest string in array
 amin()       find minimum value in array
 aminn()      get element # of min value in array
 aminstr()    get shortest string in array
 aminstrlen() get shortest string length in array
 aminstrn()   get element # of shortest string in array
 arrayprint() print elements of an array
 atest()      check if character matches array elements
 atestn()     check if number is in array
 atotal()     get total of an array

 chdir()      change directory
 clusters()   get number of clusters
 clustsize()  get disks cluster size in bytes
 curdir()     get directory name
 curdrive()   get current drive
 delvolume()  delete volume label
 disksize()   get disk size
 diskspace()  get disk space left
 drives()     get # of valid drives
 drivestr()   get string of valid drives
 getvolume()  get volume label
 isdir()      check directory exists
 isdisk()     check if disk is valid
 isdrive()    check if drive is ready
 isfixed()    check if drive is fixed
 isfloppy()   check if disk is a floppy
 mediatype()  get media descriptor byte
 mkdir()      create a directory
 removeable() see if disk is removeable
 rmdir()      remove a directory
 setlogical() set next logical drive
 sectors()    get number of sectors
 sectorsize() get sector size
 setdrive()   set current logged drive
 setvolume()  set volume label

 althandle()  get/set ALTERNATE handle
 checkdate()  validate date string
 checktime()  validate time string
 datetype()   get SET DATE TO type
 decimals()   get DECIMALS value
 default()    get SET DEFAULT to setting
 delimiters() get current delimiters
 dtow()       convert date to words
 fkey()       get string assigned to function key
 getvar()     get var associated with get
 isindex()    check if index in use
 iskeyset()   check if key assigned to SET KEY TO
 islastday()  check if date is last day of month
 isleap()     check if date is a leap year
 lastday()    get last day of month
 margin()     get SET MARGIN TO setting
 nstuff()     stuff integer into buffer
 num2day()    convert number to day
 num2month()  convert number to month
 numgets()    get number of gets
 path()       get SET PATH TO setting
 prnhandle()  get/set the PRINTER handle
 putkey()     simulate a keypress
 rand()       generate consistent random numbers
 srand()      specify seed value for rand()
 random()     generate a random number
 seed()       specify seed value for random()
 scancode()   get scancode of last key
 setkey()     get proc assigned by SET KEY TO
 setkeysave() save set key table
 setkeyrest() restore set key table
 status()     get status of SET commands
 strstuff()   stuff keyboard buffer
 typeahead()  get size of buffer
 waitkey()    get keystroke like inkey()
 xscancode()  get extended scancode of last key

 f_header()   get header size of DBF file
 f_recsize()  get record size of DBF file
 f_lupdate()  get last update of DBF file
 f_ndxkey()   get index expression of index file
 f_isdbf()    check if file is a DBF file
 fadvance()   advance to next line of text
 fbol()       rewind to start of current line
 fbof()       see if at beginning of file
 fbot()       go to end of file
 fcopy()      copy a file
 fchanged()   see if archive bit set
 fcopybyte()  copy bytes from a file
 fcreatef()   DOS 3.00 create file function
 ferror()     test for error
 feof()       see if at end of file
 ferase()     erase a file
 fgetdate()   get a files date stamp
 fgettime()   get a files time stamp
 fgetattr()   get a files attribute
 fhide()      change files attribute to hidden
 filesize()   get size of a file
 filecount()  count number of matching files
 findattr()   get file's attribute
 findfirst()  find first matching file
 findnext()   find next matching file
 finddate()   get file's date
 findsize()   get file's size
 findtime()   get file's time
 flinecount() count # lines of text in file
 flen()       get length of open file
 flocate()    locate text in a file
 fprotect()   change attributes to read only
 freadbyte()  read 1 byte from file
 freadint()   read 2 bytes from file
 freadlong()  read 4 bytes from file
 freadline()  read in line of text
 frename()    rename a file
 freplicate() replicate string to file
 frewind()    rewind to previous line of text
 fsetattr()   set files attribute
 fsetdate()   change files date
 fsettime()   set files time
 fstrcount()  count # times string appears in file
 ftell()      get file pointer position
 ftop()       go to top of file
 funhide()    change file from hidden to normal
 funprotect() turn off changed attribute
 fwritebyte() write 1 byte to file
 fwriteint()  write integer to file
 fwritelong() write long integer to file
 fwriteline() write text to a file
 handles()    get # of file handles
 isfile()     check if file exists
 ishandle()   see if handle available
 maxhandles() # of handles program has
 nexthandle() find out next handle
 sethandles() open up 255 files
 _newline()   specify newline character

 active()     get active get number
 activate()   activate get # <nn>
 addzip()     set zip code range
 beep()       cause speaker to beep
 ccast()      cast variable to character type
 coldboot()   reboot computer
 warmboot()   reboot computer, no POST
 disk()       turn off floppies
 execute()    execute function <nn> times
 FONTS        load fonts into EGA/VGA
 FLdefine()   define font table
 FLoad()      load font from disk
 FLreset()    reset default font/mode
 isstate()    verify state abbrev.
 iszip()      verify zip code
 key()        turn keyboard off
 nap()        pause program
 nlen()       get length of any variable
 nupper()     convert inkey() value to uppercase
 ondo()       execute expression <nn> in list
 onkey()      execute function on keypress
 park()       park the heads
 reads()      emulate a GET
 exitkeys()   define keys that exit reads()
 readh()      get Hebrew user input
 state()      get state abbr.
 restgets()   restore your gets
 savegets()   save your gets
 statecode()  get state name
 stdin()      get string from stdin
 stdout()     output string to stdout
 swap()       swap contents of two variables
 timeout()    execute function during wait state
 turbo()      slow down ram refresh

 isbutton()   check for button press
 _isbutton()  check button status
 m_activate() activate gets with mouse
 m_aregion()  check location of mouse cursor
 m_buttons()  # of buttons on mouse
 m_choice()   emulate achoice()
 m_clicks()   set # of presses needed
 m_col()      get current mouse cursor column position
 m_csroff()   turn mouse cursor off
 m_csron()    turn mouse cursor on
 m_csrput()   position mouse cursor
 m_data()     send data to mouse functions
 m_datarest() restore MMA
 m_datasave() save MMA
 m_dbfview()  display DBF in a window
 m_display()  display a message
 m_trapfeed()     set speed of keys fed by mousetrap()
 m_frame()    set frame for window functions
 m_getpage()  get page mouse cursor is on
 m_hmickeys() horizontal mickeys
 m_inbutton() wait for mouse button
 m_incol()    cursor column at last button press
 m_inrow()    cursor row at last button press
 ismouse()    check if mouse installed
 m_iscursor() check mouse cursor status
 m_mickeys()  set max/min mickey count
 m_maxcol()   set max/min cursor columns
 m_maxrow()   set max/min cursor rows
 m_menu()     create drop down menu
 m_message()  display a message
 m_movement() find out direction mouse is moving
 m_pen()      turn pen emulation on/off
 m_position() get row/col coordinates
 m_popdir()   popup a subdirectory list
 m_popfile()  popup a file list
 m_prompt()   emulate @ .. prompt
 m_query()    place Yes/No query on screen
 m_region()   see if mouse cursor is in region
 m_release()  wait for button release
 m_reset()    reset mouse to default
 m_restore()  restore mouse settings
 m_row()      get mouse cursor row
 m_save()     save mouse settings
 m_setpage()  set page mouse cursor displayed on
 m_speed()    set doubling threshold
 m_stack()    let mouse activate gets
 m_stackget() save mouse stack
 m_stackput() restore mouse stack
 m_stacknum() get parameter from m_stack()
 m_stacknew() initialize mouse get stack
 m_squeak()   create tones mouse uses
 m_title()    set title for window functions
 m_trapget()  get value from mousetrap()
 m_trapfree() release mousetrap()
 m_trapnew()  reset mousetrap events
 m_traprest() restore mousetrap
 m_trapsave() save mousetrap settings
 m_trapset()  activate the mousetrap()
 m_view()     view text file in window
 m_vmickeys() get vertical mickey count
 m_wait()     wait for button release
 mx_choice()  emulate achoice()
 mx_dbfview() display DBF in window
 mx_popdir()  popup subdirectory list
 mx_popfile() popup file list
 mx_view()    view text file in window
 mouse()      turn mouse support on/off
 mousetrap()  use mouse to stuff keys

 _upper()     convert string to upper
 _lower()     convert string to lower
 asciitoebc() convert ascii to EBCDIC
 alltrimlen() length of alltrimmed string
 atlast()     position of last char
 atnext()     get <nth> occurrence of character
 bitstrip()   strip high bits
 capfirst()   cap first, lower rest
 capitalize() capitalize first letter
 center()     center string in <nn> width
 chrcount()   find # times char occurs in string
 chrfound()   test if all chars in str1 in str2
 chrswap()    swap chars in string
 comma()      insert commas in string of numbers
 decrypt()    unencrypt a string
 ebctoascii() convert EBCDIC string to ascii
 encrypt()    encrypt a string
 isxxxxx()    check for ascii/hex/num/upper/lower etc...
 leadchar()   replace leading spaces with char
 ljust()      left justify string
 ltrimlen()   get len of ltrimmed string
 reverse()    reverse string
 rjust()      right justify string
 soundex()    create phonetic complement
 stratnext()  get position of substring
 strcenter()  center a string
 strcount()   count # of times str1 in str2
 strexpand()  insert <nn> spaces between chars
 strextract() extract str between delimiters
 tabexpand()  expand tabs
 trailchar()  replace trailing spaces
 trimlen()    get len of trimmed string
 trimpunct()  trim non-alpha characters
 untrim()     pad a string
 wildcard()   search text with wildcards

 and()        and two numbers
 argc()       # of arguments
 argv()       get command line argument
 bin2num()    convert 16/8 bit string to int
 byte2bin()   convert byte to binary string
 capslock()   get/set caps lock
 clock12()    display a 12 hour clock
 clock24()    display a 24 hour clock
 comcheck()   test if char available
 comin()      input char from serial port
 cominit()    initialize serial port
 comoff()     turn off DTR signal
 comon()      turn on handshaking
 comout()     output string to serial port
 comreset()   reset ports to normal
 comset()     swap comm ports
 comswap()    swap comm ports
 command()    get command line
 cputype()    get type of CPU
 crash()      lock up system
 dec2hex()    convert decimal to hex
 dosmem()     amount of DOS memory
 dosvers()    DOS version number
 egamem()     amount of EGA/VGA memory
 expmem()     amount of expanded memory
 extmem()     amount of extended memory
 fre()        get free DOS memory
 hex2dec()    convert hex string to int
 iscom()      check comm port
 isems()      check expanded memory
 isextended() see if BIOS supports enhanced keyboard
 inp()        input from a port
 insert()     get/set insert status
 interrupt()  execute interrupt
 islpt()      verify lpt port
 isprinter()  check if printer is online
 isqueue()    see if queue installed
 keystat()    display numlock, caps lock etc.
 kbdstat()    status of alt keys
 lastdrive()  get lastdrive
 lptreset()   reset lpt ports
 lptset()     swap lpt ports
 lptswap()    swap printer ports
 lprint()     print text
 ndptype()    get type of coprocessor
 num2bin()    convert int to binary
 numlock()    get/set num lock
 outp()       output to a port
 off()        get offset of variable
 or()         or two numbers
 peek()       get value from memory
 peekstr()    read string from memory
 poke()       poke value into memory
 prnreset()   initialize printer
 prnstatus()  get printer status
 program()    get name of program
 prtscr()     print screen
 q_cancel()   cancel queued printing
 q_delete()   delete file from queue
 q_file()     get file in queue
 q_hold()     pause queued printing
 q_restart()  restart queue
 q_status()   check queue for errors
 q_submit()   load file into queue
 ror()        rotate right a number
 rol()        rotate left a number
 romdate()    get rom date
 scrlock()    get/set scroll lock
 seg()        get segment of variable
 setdate()    set computers date
 settime()    set computers clock
 shr()        shift right a number
 shl()        shift left a number
 sound()      create sound effects
 systype()    get system id byte
 test()       test bits
 timeh()      get time string
 xor()        bitwise xor two numbers

 areplicate() replicate string to screen
 blinkbit()   get 16 background colors
 border()     set border color
 box()        draw a box
 boxchars()   get/set characters used by box
 cls()        clear entire screen
 color()      set video to color
 csron()      turn cursor on
 csroff()     turn cursor off
 csrset()     set cursor size
 csrbot()     get bottom cursor value
 csrtop()     get top cursor value
 csrput()     move cursor to row/column
 disktoscr()  restore screen from disk
 enhanced()   get/set enhanced color
 getpage()    get displayed video page
 getattr()    get attribute
 initscreen() initialize virtual screen
 maxcol()     get max column
 maxrow()     get max row number
 mono()       set video to mono
 montype()    get type of monitor
 palette()    access 64 colors
 print()      print a string
 readscreen() read characters
 roloc()      reverse attribute
 restscreen() restore a screen
 savescreen() save a screen
 setattr()    set attributes
 setmode()    set video mode
 getmode()    get video mode
 setpage()    set video page
 setscreen()  set virtual pages
 setsnow()    set snow control on/off
 scroll()     scroll portion of screen
 scrtodisk()  save screen to disk
 shift()      shift screen left/right
 standard()   get/set foreground color
 unselected() get/set unselected color
 vidtype()    get video adaptor type
 vreplicate() replicate strings vertically
 __vinit()    reinitialize video buffer

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