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X-Hacker.org- FUNCky - <b>name:</b> <b>test() - test bits in a number</b>
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Name: test() - test bits in a number
Usage: <logical> = test(<int>,<number>)
Params: integer <int> - number to test, not greater then 65535
integer <number> number to test against <int>
Returns: .T. if bit specified by <number> is set to 1 in
parameter <int>, otherwise .F.
---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
? test(1,1) && prints .T.
? test(1,0) && prints .F.
? test(15,3) && prints .T.
? test(245,8) && prints .T.
Note: Testing one value with another will return .T. only
if the bit specified in param two (<number>) is set to
one in param one (<int>).
parameter = binary = dec
v1 = 00000010 = 2
v2 = 00000010 = 2
v3 = 00100000 = 32
? test(v1,v2) = .T.
? test(v1,v3) = .F.
You can use num2bin() and bin2num() to convert
binary strings into their decimal equivalents for ease
when using the binary functions.
See Also: and() or() ror() xor() shl() shr()
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