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  Name:     _lower() - convert a string to lowercase
  Usage:    <string> = _lower(<string>)
  Params:   string <string> - the string to put to lowercase
  Returns:  a string equal to <string> with all alpha characters
            put to lowercase

 ---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

                 ? _lower("This Is a Lowercase String")
                 * prints "this is a lowercase string"

  Note:     _lower() and _upper() are identical to the Clipper lower()
            and upper() functions except for their speed. Using _upper()
            and _lower() on small strings of 1 to 7 characters they may
            actually be a little slower than Clipper's upper() and lower()
            functions due to the initial overhead of the extend system.
            Once you start working on longer strings the speed
            improvements are tremendous. For every 10 bytes of string
            added, the speed improvement goes up an additional 12-15%.
            The longer the string, the faster _upper() and _lower() will
            work as compared to Clipper's upper() and lower().

See Also: _upper() capitalize() capfirst() bitstrip()

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