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X-Hacker.org- FUNCky - <b>name:</b> <b>drivestr() - get a string of the available drives</b>
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Name: drivestr() - get a string of the available drives
Usage: <string> = drivestr()
Params: none
Returns: string equal to all the available drive letters
---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
@ 8,0 say "Valid drives are :"+drivestr()
@ 10,0 say "Enter drive to log on to:"
@ 10,26 get tdrive pict "!:" valid isdisk(tdrive)
mem1 = drivestr()
for x = 1 to drives()
@ 10,x say "Directory of drive "+;
substr(mem1,x,1)+": - " + ;
See Also: isdisk() isdrive() curdrive()
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