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X-Hacker.org- FUNCky - <b>name:</b> <b>sethandles() - open up to 255 file handles</b>
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Name: sethandles() - open up to 255 file handles
Usage: sethandles(<numhandles>)
Params: integer <numhandles> - the number of handles you want
to be able to open. Maximum value is 255.
Returns: nothing
---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
* you can now open up to 50 files
* (DOS takes 5 for itself)
Note: You must make sure that the FILES= statement in your
config.sys file is equal to or greater than the number
of file handles you specify with sethandles(). The
sethandles() function can only be called once. Any
subsequent calls to sethandles() will be ignored. The
sethandles() function works under any DOS version
starting with DOS 3.00 and higher and does not need to
have the SET CLIPPER=Fnnn set in the environment.
See Also: handles() ishandle() nexthandle() maxhandles()
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