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  Name:     __vinit - initialize the video buffers after interrupt()
  Usage:    call __vinit
  Params:   none
  Returns:  nothing

 ---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

            Set VEGA 7 extended VGA mode 42h:

                 reg_ah("6F")        && VEGA mode function
                 reg_bl("42")        && MODE number
                 interrupt("10")     && VIDEO interrupt
                 call __vinit        && initialize screen

  Note:     __vinit must be called if you change the size of the
            video screen through the interrupt() function.
            Several EGA and VGA adaptors allow you to access
            extended modes through special mode settings that
            can be set with setmode() such as the Paradise Autoswitch
            EGA, or through a special interrupt() function calls
            such as those used by the VEGA VGA from Video Seven.
            You can use the methods outlined in your adaptor manual
            to switch into the extended modes. You must use the
            __vinit call to tell Clipper the new dimensions and
            location of the screen buffer. If you don't, screen
            scrolling and printing will display unexpected results.
            When your program starts, FUNCky sets the video buffer
            size so if you start your application in an extended mode
            your application will run fine.

            Calling __vinit sets up the new buffer address, updates
            the screen maxrow and maxcol coordinates, calculates the
            new screen size, updates the mouse driver and homes the
            cursor to row 0, col 0. You must call __vinit if you
            change screen sizes through any other method other than
            the modes supported by FUNCky in the setmode() function.

See Also: setmode() interrupt() setscreen() setpage()

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