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  Name:     atnext() - get <nth> occurrence of a character in a string
  Usage:    <integer> = atnext(<char>,<string>,<occurrence>)
  Params:   character <char> - the character to search for
            string <string> - the string to search in
            integer <occurrence> - the occurrence of <char> to find
  Returns:  integer equal to the position of <occurrence> of <char>
            within <string>

 ---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

                 ? atnext("i","This is the string",3)
                 * prints 16

                 memvar = "This is the string"
                 pos = atnext("i",memvar,2)
                 end = atlast("i",memvar)
                 ? substr(memvar,pos,(end-pos)+1)

                 * prints "is the stri"

See Also: atlast() chrcount() chrfound() chrswap() stratnext()

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