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  Name:     fadvance() - advance to the next line of text in a file
  Usage:    <integer> = fadvance(<handle>,[<linelen>])
  Params:   integer <handle> from a previous fopen() or fcreate()
            integer <linelen> - the maximum length of a line if no
            newline character is encountered, optional - default
            is 512 bytes
  Returns:  an integer equal to the starting position of the next
            line or -1 if an error occurs. The file pointer is
            moved to the first byte of the next line of text.

 ---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

                 handle = fopen("data.txt")
                 datatext = freadline(handle,120)

  Note:     This example finds the keyword "BEGIN:" and then
            advances to the next line to start reading in the data.

            The fadvance() function will use the character specified
            by the _newline() function as a line terminator.

See Also: freadline() fbol() frewind() flocate() _newline()

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