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dbMMrg()         Performs a string's Mail Merge
dbSetCur()       Sets the cursor shape
dbSouErr()       Beeps a sound message
dfAddMonth()     Add a month to a date
dfAddYear()      Add a year to a date
dfAEmpty()       Tests if the elements of an array are empty
dfALen()         Check the max len of the array elements
dfAMax()         Check the max value of one array
dfAMin()         Check the max value of one array
dfAnd()          binary AND between two numbers
dfANSI2OEM()     Convert from the ANSI character set to the OEM
dfAny2Str()      Converts any expression to a string
dfAPadr()        Call a PADR on all the array elements
dfArgC()         Returns the number of parameters passed to CLIPPER
dfArgV()         Returns a certain parameter passed to CLIPPER
dfArr2Str()      Permits to convert an array to a string
dfArrRest()      Reads an array from the disk
dfArrSave()      Saves an array on a disk
dfAtToken()      Returns the starting position of a TOKEN
dfBarCode()      Allow to print a BarCode
dfBin2Fp()       Transforms a string to a floating point number
dfBin2Li()       Executes a BIN2L reverse string
dfBin2Num()      Converts a binary string into a decimal number
dfBufferGet()    Gets a value from the clipboard of the application
dfBufferIns()    Puts a value into the clipboard of the application
dfByte2Hex()     Converts a number value to hex decimal
dfCapsLock()     Enable the CAPS LOCK key
dfCD()           Changes the current directory
dfCharEven()     Returns the odd characters of a string
dfCharOdd()      Returns the odd characters of a string
dfCheckMath()    Permits to control the co-processor of the PENTIUM
dfChkCF()        Controls the accuracy of the fiscal code
dfChkCode()      Check fiscal code and IVA equality
dfChkDidExp()    Check a DID expression
dfChkDir()       Check the directory
dfChkIva()       Check IVA equality
dfChkPar()       Controls if a parameter is pasted in the command line
dfChrInc()       Increases the last character of a string
dfCmpNum()       Compress a string containing numbers
dfCodQua()       Codifies the amounts by characters
dfCol()          Returns the actual column of the cursor
DFCOMPILE()      Transforms a given string into a CODEBLOCK
dfCpu()          INTEL CPU test
dfCpuID()        INTEL CPU Description
dfCurDim()       Sets the cursor dimensions
dfCurPath()      Returns the current pathname
dfDate()         Returns the current date
dfDateFT()       Call a form for insert 2 date
dfDatePack()     Function to compact dates
dfDateUnPack()   Function de-compact a date field or(dates)
dfDatPic()       Produces a Datestring like in Excel
dfDay()          Returns an array with the week days
dfDec2Hex()      Convert Decimals to Hexadecimals
dfDecode()       DECODEs/ENCODEs a string
dfDir()          Returns an array with directory information
dfDisk()         Returns the current drive
dfDiskArr()      Return an array with the value of all the active drive
dfDosVer()       Returns the DOS version
dfDSAvail()      Return the DGROUP available
dfDskSer()       Returns the Hard Disk serial number
dfEnvSub()       Sets a DOS environment variable
dfErrorSys()     Error handling
dfEventCng()     Changes the current event
dfEventEnd()     Terminates the management of the events
dfEventInit()    Active an event
dfExeName()      Returns the name of the current executable file
dfExePath()      Return twe owning directory of the current EXE
dfExeType()      Returns the type of the executable passed
dfFastKey()      Decrease the keyboard delay
dfFixColor()     It corrects a GPF of Clipper 5.2d
dfFloppyType()   Determines the existence and the type of drive
dfFp2Bin()       Transforms a floating point in a string
dfFract()        Transforms a decimal to a fraction
dfFun2Do()       Executes a linked function
dfGetArr()       Reads an element from an array
dfHex2Dec()      Converts a hexadecimal number into a decimal one
dfIdle()         Release some CPU time with Windows 95, NT e OS/2
dfInB()          Permits to get a byte from a port
dfInt86()        Calls a interrupt from Clipper
dfInW()          Permits to get a word from a port
dfIsAnsi()       Controls the loading of the ANSI.SYS driver
dfIsCaller()     Check if a function is in the CALL STACK of the current
dfIsCdRom()      Check if a drive is a CD-ROM
dfIsDebug()      Check if in the application there is the debugger
dfIsDigit()      Controls if a string contains only numbers
dfIsDisk()       Tests the availability of an hard disk
dfIsLower()      Determines if a string is in lower case
dfIsPirate()     Protection system
dfIsUpper()      Determines if a string is in upper case
dfIsWin()        Check if the program is called from a shell Windows
dfIsWinClp()     Check if is available the clipboard of Windows
dfIsZip()        Controls if a given file is a ZIP
dfJust()         Justifie a string
dfKey2Serial()   Allow to create a serial number
dfkeydisab()     Disable the keyboard
dfLastRec()      Permits to know the number of records in a database
dfLed()          Switch a keyboard led on
dfLeft()         Returns the left side of an equation
dfLen()          Calculates a string lenght
dfLibDate()      Return date of release of library
dfLogMsg()       Saves a message in dbStart.log
dfLong2Hex()     Converts from Decimal to Hex Decimal
dfMakeInd()      Function to create index on a opened database
dfMakeRegs()     Prepares the array of registers for the dfInt86  function
dfMD()           Creates a directory
dfMem2Disk()     Permits to save the contents of RAM to disk
dfMemBase()      Return the KB of the conventional memory
dfMemExt()       Return the KB of extended memory available
dfModIni()       Function to modify the ini files
dfMonth()        Returns an array with the names of months
dfMonth2Num()    Converts the name of a month in the corresponding number
dfMonthDif()     Calculate the differenze between 2 dates
dfNtoD()         Converts from a Number to date
dfNum2Bin()      Converts a number into a binary string
dfNum2Day()      Converts a number into a day name
dfNum2Month()    Converts a number into a month name
dfNum2Time()     Convert a number in a TIME string
dfNum2Word()     Converts a number into its textual representation
dfNumCmp()       Make a Compression on a numeric value
dfNumDeCmp()     Make a DeCompression on a numeric value
dfNumToken()     Riturns the number of tokens in a string
dfNumVer()       Returns the library version number
dfOEM2ANSI()     Converted from the OEM character set to the ANSI
dfOR()           binary OR between two numbers
dfOutB()         Permit to send a Byte to a Port
dfOutW()         Permit to send a Word to a port
dfPackFile()     Compress/Expand a file
dfPagGG()        Adds to the days of the following months first day
dfPairCmp()      Performs a PAIR compression on strings of text
dfPairDeCmp()    Performs a PAIR de compression
dfPathChk()      Path normalization
dfPathTree()     Permits to see the tree path of a disk
dfPause()        Wait for a specific amount of time
dfPeek()         Reads a CHAR from memory
dfPeekW()        Reads a WORD from memory
dfPI()           Returns the value of Pi
dfPlayLen()      Lenght of a file SNG (Obs Module)
dfPlayNote()     Current note of a file SNG (Obs Module)
dfPlayPos()      Position in a file SNG (Obs Module)
dfPlaySng()      Play a SNG (Obs Module) file
dfPlayStop()     Stop the execution of a SNG (Obs Module) file
dfPoke()         Stores a value in memory
dfPopAll()       Restores program settings
dfPopPal()       Restores the last saved palette
dfPopRec()       Restores the last saved record
dfPspSeg()       Returns the PSP segment
dfPushAll()      Saves current settings
dfPushPal()      Saves current characters, palette and mode
dfPushRec()      Saves the current record in an internal stack
dfRD()           Removes a directory
dfRealMode()     Check if the program run in Real Mode
dfRecourse()     Controls if the function current is in recursion
dfRemChr()       Removes a sequence of characters from a string
dfRetChr()       Translates an identifier into a character
dfRight()        Returns the right side of an equation
dfRLCmp()        Make an RLE Compression
dfRLDeCmp()      Make an RLE DeCompression
dfRnd()          Generate a random number
dfRomBios()      Returns the ROM-BIOS date
dfRound()        Rounds a given number
dfRoundUp()      it will round up to the next higher number
dfRow()          Returns the actual row of the cursor
dfScanLine()     Return the height in byte of the current DOS FONT
dfScrGetNum()    Will capture a numeric from video @Row x @Col
dfSec2Time()     Convert from SECONDS() to TIME()
dfSerial2Key()   Decode a serial number
dfSetDate()      Set the system date
dfSetMain()      Sets  menu application
dfSetPos()       Move the cursor over the video
dfSetTime()      Set the system time
dfShell()        Perform a Shell to DOS
dfStationID()    Return the Station Identifier
dfStr2Arr()      Convert a string to array
dfStrCHK()       Calculates a string CHECKSUM
dfStrInv()       Reverses the characters of a string
dfSwap()         Runs an external program
dfTemp()         Return the path of TEMP file
dfTime()         Returns the current time
dfTime2Num()     Convert TIME string in a numeric time
dfTime2Sec()     Convert a TIME() string in SECONDS()
dfTimePack()     Function to pack a time
dfTimeUnPack()   Function to unpack the time
dfTimeValid()    Check if a time is valid
dfToken()        Returns the value of a TOKEN
dfVer()          Returns the extended library version
dfVesaSet()      Set a VESA mode
dfWeek()         Return the week position in the year
dfWinClpClose()  Close the Windows clipboard
dfWinClpEmpty()  Delete the Windows clipboard
dfWinClpGet()    Get the value of Windows Clipboard
dfWinClpOpen()   Open the Windows clipboard
dfWinClpSet()    Set the Windows Clipboard value
dfWinClpSize()   Get the size of the Clipboard of Windows
dfWinClpVer()    Get the version of the clipboard of Windows
dfWinDirectory() Emulates the DIRECTORY command()  in Windows95
dfWinEndSubst()  Removes a SUBST drive assignment with in the Windows95 OS
dfWinFullScr()   Make a full screen of the current application
dfWinIs95()      Check if the application run on Windows 95
dfWinIsNT4()     Controls a process under Windows NT 4.0
dfWinMkeSubst()  Executes a SUBST command with in Windows95 OS
dfWinQrySubst()  Permits to know the path of the SUBSET drive assignment
dfWinVer()       Return the version of Windows
dfXor()          Performs a XOR operation between two numbers
dfXorPattern()   XOR a String
dfYearHi()       Get the high of a date
dfYearLo()       Get the low of a date
dfZipMade()      Return the platform of a ZIP file
dfZipVer()       Return the versione of a ZIP file

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