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 README       Read list for new information.
 BIOS_MODE()  Changes to non-standard video mode above BIOS mode 18.
 FLIP_INIT()  Initializes parameters and allocates buffers to hold data.
 FREE_BUF()   Frees memory allocated by FLIP_INIT().
 GRAPHMODE()  Places FLIPPER into a different mode than the startup mode.
     GRMAX_X()     Returns the maximum horizontal pixels.
     GRMAX_Y()     Returns the maximum vertical pixels.
     RET_BIOS()    Returns the current BIOS mode.
     RET_CARD()    Returns the graphic card #.
     RET_DISPLY()  Returns the monitor #.
 INITDATA()   Sets up the buffer area as a matrix of rows and columns.
 SET_DISPLY() Sets the monitor type.
 SET_PAL()    Sets up the palette colors to be used when drawing.
 SET_VGAPAL() Sets up the color palette.
 VM_AVAIL()   Returns available memory.
 VM_INIT()    Initialize virtual memory driver.
 VM_QUIT()    Ends virtual memory driver.
 VM_USED()    Finds used and available virtual memory.
                       CHAPTER 3: CUSTOMIZING THE GRAPH
 FLP_RESET()  Returns customizing parameters to default condition.
 G_LABEL()    Sets the graph titles for both X,Y graphs and pie charts.
 GRF_COLORS() Sets the graph colors.
 HISTOGRAM()  Draws the bars of a bar chart with no space between them.
 MARK_SIZE()  Allows you to change the point size.
 PIE_3D()     Changes pie to 3D style.
 PIE_ASPECT() Changes the aspect ratio (roundness) for the pie chart.
 PIE_COLORS() Sets which Y column sets the pie slice colors.
 PIE_EXPLOD() Explodes the column specified.
 PIE_LABEL()  Sets distance between edge of pie slice and the label.
 PIE_ROTATE() Rotates the pie in a clockwise direction.
 PIE_STYLE()  Sets which Y column sets the fill style for the pie slices.
 SET_3D()     Sets a flag that turns 2-D X,Y charts into 3-D.
 SET_AREA()   Allows a graph to display on a portion of the screen.
 SET_BARPER() Sets the width of the bars on the bar charts.
 SET_BOXOFF() Turns the graph frame on and off.
 SET_COLOR()  Changes the display color of a data column.
 SET_G_FONT() Sets the font to be used for the graph labels.
 SET_GRID()   Draws a horizontal or vertical line at each tick mark.
 SET_L_FONT() Sets the font to be used for the graph labels.
 SET_LN_PAT() Sets a line pattern for a Y column.
 SET_MISS()   Sets the missing value type.
 SET_MSTYLE() Sets missing value as a continuous line or a broken line.
 SET_MVALUE() Sets a value as missing.
 SET_OLAP()   Toggles X axis from multi-layered labels to skipping labels.
 SET_S_FONT() Sets the the font to be used for the graph scale labels.
 SET_STYLE()  Sets the style of the bar, point, or line.
 SET_TYPE()   Sets the way that each Y column will be displayed.
 SET_XDEC()   Sets the decimal precision of the X scale labels.
 SET_XGONE()  Suppresses the printing of the X axis labels.
 SET_XINC()   Sets the increment between the X scale tick marks.
 SET_XLOG()   Changes the X axis to a log scale.
 SET_XMAN()   Toggles the X axis from automatic to manual scaling.
 SET_XMAX()   Sets the upper range individually.
 SET_XMIN()   Sets the lower range individually.
 SET_XREV()   Reverses the X axis direction.
 SET_XSIZE()  Sets character width and decimal precision for X label.
 SET_XSKIP()  Causes the axis drawing routine to skip labels.
 SET_XSPACE() Forces a one-half tick spacing on all the graph types.
 SET_XTICK()  Toggles the X scale ticks on and off.
 SET_YDEC()   Sets the decimal precision of the Y scale labels
 SET_YGONE()  Suppresses the printing of the Y axis labels.
 SET_YINC()   Sets the increment between the scale tick marks.
 SET_YLOG()   Changes the Y axis to a log scale.
 SET_YMAN()   Toggles the Y axis from automatic to manual scaling.
 SET_YMAX()   Sets the Y axis upper range individually.
 SET_YMIN()   Sets the Y axis lower range individually.
 SET_YREV()   Reverses the Y axis direction.
 SET_YSIDE()  Sets column to one of two Y axes.
 SET_YSIZE()  Sets character width and decimal precision for Y label.
 SET_YSKIP()  Causes the Y axis drawing routine to skip labels.
 SET_YSPACE() Forces a one-half tick spacing on all the graph types.
 SET_YTICK()  Toggles the Y scale ticks on and off.
 SET_ZLINE()  Sets a reference line where bars will begin.
 X_LABEL()    Sets the X axis graph label.
 XY_XCHANGE()    Exchanges the X and Y axes.
 Y_LABEL()    Sets the Y axis graph label.
                            CHAPTER 4: DATA STORAGE
 AUTO_SCALE() Calculates auto scaling values based on values in buffer.
     RET_MIN()     Returns the low value for a column.
     RET_MAX()     Returns the number of data elements in the buffer.
     RET_TOTAL()   Returns the sum of the values for a Y column.
     RET_COUNT()   Returns the number of data elements in the buffer.
     RET_XLOW()    Returns the low X scale value.
     RET_XUP()     Returns the high X scale value.
     RET_XSTEP()   Returns the number of X scale tick marks.
     RET_XINC()    Returns the increment of the X tick marks.
     RET_XSIZE()   Returns the label width on the X scale.
     RET_XDEC()    Returns the decimal precision on the X scale.
     RET_YLOW()    Returns the low Y scale value.
     RET_YUP()     Returns the high Y scale value.
     RET_YSTEP()   Returns the number of Y tick marks.
     RET_YINC()    Returns the increment of the Y tick marks.
     RET_XSIZE()   Returns the label width on the Y scale.
     RET_XDEC()    Returns the decimal precision on Y scale.
 BUFF_LIMIT() Limits actions to a portion of the buffer.
 STORE_DATA() Stores data into a predefined buffer set with FLIP_INIT().
 STORE_VAL()  Stores a single data element to the array.
 MESH_CLOSE() Turns off the 3-D mesh drawing function.
 MESH_DRAW()  Draws a 3-D mesh surface.
 MESH_OPEN()  Sets the parameters for the 3-D mesh drawing function.
 PIE()        Draws a pie chart from a specified Y column.
 PLOT()       Plots lines, points, bars, and stacked bars to X,Y axes.
     ABS_XMIN()    Returns the left graph frame absolute position.
     ABS_YMIN()    Returns the bottom graph frame absolute position.
     ABS_XMAX()    Returns the right graph frame absolute position.
     ABS_YMAX()    Returns the top graph frame absolute position.
 ADD_YSCALE() Adds an additional scale to the last graph displayed.
 HORZ_BAR()   Provides means to place a horizontal bar on last graph.
 HORZ_LINE()  Draws a horizontal reference line parallel to the X axis.
 LEGEND_SAY() Prints the legend for each Y column on the screen.
 LEGEND_SET() Stores the legend for each Y column on the screen set.
 POLY_FIT()   Fits buffer data to polynomial equation up to 5th degree.
     RET_NUM()     Returns the number.
     RET_R2()      Returns the coefficient of determination.
     RET_DF()      Returns the degrees of freedom.
     RET_BCOEF()   Returns the equation coefficients.
     SCI_NOT()     Returns the base of a number.
     RET_EXPON()   Returns the exponent of above value.
     POLY_SEG()    Sets the size of line segments used to draw the curve.
 POLY_PLOT()  Plots a polynomial equation to the last graph.
 REGRESS()    Draws the linear regression line of the selected Y column.
     RET_COEF()    Returns the coefficient of determination r squared.
     RET_R()       Returns the correlation coefficient r.
     RET_SLOPE()   Returns the slope of line.
     RET_YINTER()  Returns the Y intercept for regression line.
 SAY_MARK()   Allows you to place a point at a position on the last graph.
 SPLINE()     Draws a curved line through points of a Y data column.
 TEXTMODE()   Returns to the normal text mode for Clipper.
 VERT_BAR()   Provides a means to place a vertical bar on the last graph.
 VERT_LINE()  Draws a vertical reference line at an X scale position.
 X_SCALE()    Low level function to print X scale labels on the graph.
 Y_SCALE()    Low level function to print Y scale labels on the graph.
                              CHAPTER 7: PRINTING
 COLR_TABLE() Sets color translation between the screen and printer.
 COM_SETUP()  Sets up a COM port for use by a plotter.
 HP_CLOSE()   Resets the graphics output back to the screen.
 HP_LNSTYLE() Sets the line width for each color of the image.
 HP_LTPAT()   Specifies the length of a line pattern set.
 HP_OPEN()    Opens a device for re-directions of FLIPPER commands.
 HP_ROTATE()  Changes the orientation of the HPGL output device.
 HP_SETUP()   Sets up an HPGL device prior to printing.
 HP_UNITS()   Sets the units used to plot from the screen.
 HP_VS()      Sets the pen velocity.
 HPGL_SEND()  Sends a string of characters to the printer.
 ICOM_BREAK() Sends a break character.
 ICOM_CLOSE() Shuts down the interrupt-driven communications driver.
 ICOM_DTR()   Toggles the DTR on and off.
 ICOM_ERROR() Returns COM errors.
 ICOM_OPEN()  Opens up an interrupt-driven communications driver for plotter.
 ICOM_PORT()  Selects serial port 1 or 2.
 ICOM_READ()  Reads a response to a command from the plotter.
 ICOM_R_BUF() Returns the size of the receive buffer.
 ICOM_R_CNT() Returns the number of characters in the receive buffer.
 ICOM_S_BUF() Returns the size of the send buffer.
 ICOM_S_CNT() Returns the available bytes in the send buffer.
 ICOM_WRITE() Writes a string of characters to the COM port.
 LJ3_EJECT()  Ejects a page from the HP LaserJet Series III printer.
 MPRT_CLOSE() Releases the memory allocated to a background screen.
 MPRT_OPEN()  Creates a hidden screen for printing.
 MPRT_SCRN()  Prints a background screen to the printer.
 MPRT_SWATH() Sets the swath number for the next MPRT_SCRN().
 PRT_AREA()   Prints a portion of the screen.
 PRT_ASPECT() Sets the aspect ratio for the printer.
 PRT_CHECK()  Checks the status of the printer.
 PRT_COLORS() Sets whether a color will be printed.
 PRT_HEADER() Loads header information into Clipper array.
 PRT_LIST()   Captures the printer ID and name from the driver table.
 PRT_LOAD()   Specifies the printer.
 PRT_OPTS()   Selects various printing options.
     PRT_HANDLE() Closes a printer port for Novell network printing.
 PRT_SCALE()  Scales the output.
 PRT_SCREEN() Prints the screen in the specified size and position.
 PRT_STAT()   Gets the printer status.
     RET_PRTDN()      Returns the percent of the printing that is finished.
     PRT_ESCAPE()  Returns whether the escape has been hit.
 PS_CLOSE()   Resets PostScript graphics output back to the screen.
 PS_EJECT()   Issues a showpage command.
 PS_LNSTYLE() Sets the line width and color for the palette.
 PS_OPEN()    Opens a device for output.
 PS_ROTATE()  Changes the orientation of the PostScript device.
 PS_SETUP()   Sets up the PostScript driver.
 SHAD_TABLE() Sets the shade table for printing.
                                CHAPTER 8: FONTS
 FONT_ALIGN() Sets the vertical alignment for the font.
 FONT_CLOSE() Removes a font loaded into memory.
 FONT_COLOR() Sets the foreground and background colors for the font.
 FONT_MAGNI() Sets the width and height magnification factors.
 FONT_NEW()   Sets a new current font.
     FONT_CURR()   Returns the current font handle.
 FONT_OPEN()  Reads the font from disk and prepares it for use.
 FONT_ROTAT() Sets the rotation of the font.
 FONT_SIZE()  Returns height of the characters in the font specified.
 FONT_SPACE() Changes the spacing between the characters.
 FONT_UNDER() Sets three attributes for a font's underline.
 FRET_TYPE()  Returns the type of the current font.
 LINE_DIR()   Specifies the direction in which text is written.
 LINE_JUST()  Specifies the justification of the X,Y location for SAY_TEXT().
 LINE_LEN()   Returns length of a text string for the font specified.
 LINE_UNDER() Specifies whether text should be underlined.
 SAY_FIXED()  Prints text on the screen without proportional spacing.
 SAY_FMT()    Prints text according to parameters set in a format string.
 SAY_TEXT()   Writes text on the screen.
                           CHAPTER 9: SAVING PICTURES
 COPY_VPAGE() Copies from one video page to another.
 FPCX_PUT()   Displays a PCX picture on the screen.
 FPCX_ROT()   Rotates a PCX picture.
 FPCX_SCALE() Scales a PCX picture.
 FPIC_CLOSE() Closes the picture file with designated PIC handle.
 FPIC_CREAT() Creates a file to hold a set of pictures.
 FPIC_DEL()   Deletes a picture from the picture file.
 FPIC_GET()   Captures a screen image and saves it to a file.
     IS_FINDEX() Returns if the index is occupied by an image.
 FPIC_OPEN()  Opens a file of pictures.
     RET_FSIZE()   Returns the number of pictures that can be saved.
     RET_PICTYP()  Returns the graphics mode of the file.
 FPIC_PACK()  Completely removes an image deleted with FPIC_DEL().
 FPIC_PUT()   Places picture from a file back to screen at an X,Y position.
 INIT_VIDEO() Initializes a stack to hold portions of the screen.
 PCX_HEADER() Fills an array with information about a PCX file.
 PCX_TO_PIC() Copies PCX file to an index number in a FLIPPER PIC file.
 PIC_FREE()   Releases the memory allocated for a picture.
 PIC_GET()    Takes a snapshot of the screen called a PIC.
 PIC_PUT()    Places a PIC on the screen at an X,Y location.
 PIC_TO_PCX() Copies a picture captured by FLIPPER into a PCX file.
     GRMAX_X()    Returns the X resolution.
     GRMAX_Y()    Returns the Y resolution.
 POP_PIC()    Displays the image saved with the PUSH_PIC() function.
 PUSH_PIC()   Copies a portion of the screen to memory.
 VIDEO_PAGE() Provides multiple pages with graphics modes.

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