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POLY_FIT()                                                         T_EXAM14
   Fits buffer data to polynomial equation up to 5th degree.

         POLY_FIT(nColumn,nDegrees [,nShowLine])

         nColumn     Sets the Y column number.
         nDegrees    Sets the nth degree polynomial equation.
         nShowLine   Sets the line on or off. [Default is ON]

         RET_NUM()   Returns the element number.
         RET_R2()    Returns the coefficient of determination.
         RET_DF()    Returns the degrees of freedom.
         RET_BCOEF() Returns the equation coefficients.
         SCI_NOT()   Returns the base of a number.
         RET_EXPON() Returns the exponent of above value.

         POLY_SEG() can be used to set the length of line segments used to
         draw the curve.

         POLY_FIT() develops the best fit line through a set of points. A
         straight line can be fit by the method of least squares and results
         in the equation: Y = mX + b or Y = B0 + B1X.

         The second degree polynomial is as follows:
         Y = B0 + B1X + B2X   (The two above denotes an exponent of 2)

         The POLY_FIT() polynomial curve fitting function will fit up to a
         5th-degree polynomial:
                           2     3     4     5
         Y = B0 + B1X + B2X + B3X + B4X + B5X

         Degrees can be in the range of 2-5. However, you must have as many
         data rows as there are degrees. Because polynomial equations can have
         very small values for B, a function has been included to convert a
         value to scientific notation.


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