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HP_LNSTYLE()                                                        C_EXAM7B
   Sets the line width for each color of the image.

         nWidth = HP_LNSTYLE(nColorNumber [,nWidth] [,nPen] [,nShade])

         nColorNumber   Color palette position. (0-15)
         nWidth         Width of the line in 100th's of mm. (default 35)
         nPen           Pen number assigned to a screen color.
         nShade         Percent shading for solid color fills. (0-100%)

         nWidth         Current width of the line for a palette position.

         HP_LNSTYLE() sets the width of the lines drawn in nColorNumber.
         The default line width is 0.35 mm. nWidth is in 100th's of mm, so 1
         is 0.01 mm. The HPGL command issued is a PW and only works with the
         LaserJet III in HPGL mode.

         Each pen in the plotter can be assigned to one of the 16 colors.

         Each color, 0 to 15, can be translated to a shade for solid fills.
         nShade ranges between 0% and 100% where 0% is no shading and 100% is
         solid black.

See Also: HP_LTPAT()

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