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 _arc()                     Draw an arc
 _arc_w()                   Draw an arc (window coords)
 _arc_wxy()                 Draw an arc (window pair coords)
 _clearscreen()             Clear screen to background color
 _displaycursor()           Cursor on/off on graphics exit
 _ellipse()                 Draw an ellipse
 _ellipse_w()               Draw an ellipse (window coords)
 _ellipse_wxy()             Draw an ellipse (window pair coords)
 _floodfill()               Fill area with current color
 _floodfill_w()             Fill area with color (window coords)
 _getactivepage()           Get currently active screen page
 _getarcinfo()              Get last arc's parameters
 _getbkcolor()              Get current background color
 _getcolor()                Get current color
 _getcurrentposition()      Get current graphic output position
 _getcurrentposition_w()    Get output position (window coords)
 _getfillmask()             Get current fill mask
 _getfontinfo()             Get font characteristics
 _getgtextextent()          Get graphics text length in pixels
 _getimage()                Store a screen image in memory
 _getimage_w()              Store a screen image (window coords)
 _getimage_wxy()            Store a screen image (window pair coords)
 _getlinestyle()            Get line style
 _getlogcoord()             Translate Physical to Logical Coordinates
 _getphyscoord()            Convert logical to physical coordinates
 _getpixel()                Get a pixel value
 _getpixel_w()              Get a pixel value (window coords)
 _gettextcolor()            Get current text color
 _gettextcursor()           Get current cursor shape
 _gettextposition()         Get current text output position
 _gettextwindow()           Get boundaries of current text window
 _getvideoconfig()          Get current graphics environment
 _getviewcoord()            Translate physical to view coordinates
 _getviewcoord_w()          Translate window to view coordinates
 _getviewcoord_wxy()        Translate window pair to view coordinates
 _getvisualpage()           Get visual page number
 _getwindowcoord()          Translate view to window coordinates
 _getwritemode()            Get current logical write mode
 _grstatus()                Get most recent graphics errors
 _imagesize()               Return an image size (in bytes)
 _imagesize_w()             Return an image size (window coords)
 _imagesize_wxy()           Return an image size (window pair coords)
 _lineto()                  Draw a line
 _lineto_w()                Draw a line (window coords)
 _moveto()                  Move graphic output position
 _moveto_w()                Move output position (window coords)
 _outgtext()                Output graphic text
 _outmem()                  Output characters from a buffer
 _outtext()                 Display text at current position
 _pg_analyzechart()         Fill chart environment with data
 _pg_analyzechartms()       Fill chart environment with series of data
 _pg_analyzepie()           Fill chart environment for a pie chart
 _pg_analyzescatter()       Fill chart environment for a scatter chart
 _pg_analyzescatterms()     Fill multiple scatter chart environment
 _pg_chart()                Display a bar, column, or line chart
 _pg_chartms()              Display multiple bar, column, or line chart
 _pg_chartpie()             Display a pie chart
 _pg_chartscatter()         Display a scatter chart
 _pg_chartscatterms()       Display multiple series scatter chart
 _pg_defaultchart()         Initialize chart environment variable
 _pg_getchardef()           Get character definition
 _pg_getpalette()           Get palette colors and characteristics
 _pg_getstyleset()          Get current style
 _pg_hlabelchart()          Write horizontal chart label
 _pg_initchart()            Initialize presentation graphics
 _pg_resetpalette()         Reset palette characteristics to default
 _pg_resetstyleset()        Reset the styleset to default
 _pg_setchardef()           Set character definition
 _pg_setpalette()           Set palette characteristics
 _pg_setstyleset()          Set the styleset
 _pg_vlabelchart()          Write vertical chart label
 _pie()                     Draw a pie-slice shape
 _pie_w()                   Draw a pie slice shape (window coords)
 _pie_wxy()                 Draw a pie slice (window pair coords)
 _polygon()                 Draw a polygon
 _polygon_w()               Draw a polygon (window coords)
 _polygon_wxy()             Draw a polygon (window pair coords)
 _putimage()                Retrieve and display a screen image
 _putimage_w()              Retrieve and display image (window coords)
 _rectangle()               Draw a rectangle
 _rectangle_w()             Draw a rectangle (window coords)
 _rectangle_wxy()           Draw a rectangle (window pair coords)
 _registerfonts()           Initialize the font graphics system
 _remapallpalette()         Assign colors to all pixel values
 _remappalette()            Assign colors to selected pixel values
 _scrolltextwindow()        Scroll current text window
 _selectpalette()           Select predefined palette
 _setactivepage()           Set memory area for writing images
 _setbkcolor()              Set background color
 _setcliprgn()              Set clipping region
 _setcolor()                Set color
 _setfillmask()             Set fill mask
 _setfont()                 Set current font
 _setgtextvector()          Set font orientation
 _setlinestyle()            Set line style
 _setlogorg()               Set the Logical Position Origin
 _setpixel()                Set a pixel value
 _setpixel_w()              Set a pixel value (window coords)
 _settextcolor()            Set the text color
 _settextcursor()           Set the text cursor shape
 _settextposition()         Set new text output position
 _settextrows()             Set number of text rows
 _settextwindow()           Set up text window
 _setvideomode()            Set screen display mode
 _setvideomoderows()        Find appropriate screen mode
 _setvieworg()              Set the viewpoint origin
 _setviewport()             Set clipping region, reset origin
 _setvisualpage()           Set memory area for displaying pages
 _setwindow()               Define a window
 _setwritemode()            Set logical graphics write mode
 _unregisterfonts()         Remove font registration
 _wrapon()                  Enable or disable text line wrap

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