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 _grstatus()             Get most recent graphics errors

 #include   <graph.h>

 short _grstatus(void);

    _grstatus() indocates whether or not the most recently called
    graphics function produced errors or warnings; use it immediately
    after the call. Here are the constants that _grstatus() can

      0     _GROK                       Success

     -1     _GRERROR                    Error

     -2     _GRMODENOTSUPPORTED         Requested mode is not supported

     -3     _GRNOTINPROPERMODE          Need to change modes for

     -4     _GRINVALIDPARAMETER         Parameter was invalid

     -5     _GRFONTFILENOTFOUND         Font file not found

     -6     _GRINVALIDFONTFILE          Problems with a font file

     -7     _GRCORRUPTEDFONTFILE        Problems with a font file

     -8     _GRINSUFFICIENTMEMORY       Not enough memory

     -9     _GRINVALIDIMAGEBUFFER       Image buffer data bad

      1     _GRNOOUTPUT                 No output produced

      2     _GRCLIPPED                  Output was clipped to viewport

      3     _GRPARAMETERALTERED         Parameter was altered to be in

    Returns:     See above constants.

 Portability:   Not supported by the ANSI standard.

See Also: _grstatus()

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