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 _getwindowcoord()       Translate view to window coordinates

 #include   <graph.h>

 struct _wxycoord _getwindowcoord(x, y);
 short x, short y;              Physical coordinates to be translated

    _getwindowcoord() translates physical screen coordinates (x, y)
    into an _wxycoord structure, translating them into window pair
    coordinates. Also see _getviewcoord().

    Returns:         The coordinates in a _wxycoord structure.

    Portability:     MS-DOS only, true MDPA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, or VGA video

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    This program moves to (20, 20), translates to window coordinates, adds 10
    to the x coordinate, translates back to view coordinates, draws a 10 pixel
    long line to connect the two points.

    #include <conio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <graph.h>

    enum BOOL {FALSE, TRUE};

    void main()
        struct xycoord view;
        struct _wxycoord thiswin;

        _setwindow(FALSE, -125.0, -100.0, 125.0, 100.0);

        _moveto(20, 20);
        thiswin = _getwindowcoord(20, 20);    /* View to window coords */
        thiswin.wx += 10;
        view = _getviewcoord_wxy(&thiswin); /* Translate window to view */
        _lineto(view.xcoord, view.ycoord);

See Also: _getphyscoord() _getwindowcoord() _getviewcoord()

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