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 _gettextposition()      Get current text output position

 #include   <graph.h>

 struct rccoord far _gettextposition( void );

    _gettextposition() returns the row and column position where the next
    text output will occur. The row and column values are based on
    character locations displaced from the upper-left screen corner ( row
    0, column 0).

       Returns:     _gettextposition() returns the row and column
                    coordinates in an rccoord structure, defined in

                    struct rccoord {
                       short row;  Row coordinate
                       short col;  Column coordinate

         Notes:     The current text position does not affect the current
                    image position, which is a separate location based on
                    pixel coordinates.

   Portability:     MS-DOS only, true MDPA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, or VGA video

 -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    This program gets the current text position and resets it to the
    beginning of the next row.

           #include <graph.h>

           char text_buf[255];

              struct rccoord rc;

              . . . output text . . .

              rc = _gettextposition();
              _settextposition( rc.row+1, 0 );

              . . . output more text . . .


See Also: _settextposition() _outtext() _moveto() _getcurrentposition()

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