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 _arc_wxy()              Draw an arc (window pair coords)

 #include   <graph.h>

 short _arc_wxy(wpoint1, wpoint2, wpoint3, wpoint4);
 struct _wxycoord _far *wpoint1;  Upper left of bounding rectangle
 struct _wxycoord _far *wpoint2;  Lower right of bounding rectangle
 struct _wxycoord _far *wpoint3;  Start vector
 struct _wxycoord _far *wpoint4;  End vector

    _arc_wxy() is the window version of _arc(); it draws an arc on the
    screen bounded by the window pair coordinates rectangle wpoint1 and
    wpoint2. The start vector goes from the center of the bounding
    rectangle to wpoint3, and the end vector goes from the center of
    the bounding rectangle to wpoint4. See _arc() and _arc_w() for
    more information.

    Returns:    Nonzero value for success; 0 otherwise.

    Portability:     MS-DOS only, true MDPA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, or VGA video

See Also: _arc() _arc_w() _getarcinfo()

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