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 _outtext()              Display text at current position

 #include   <graph.h>

 void far _outtext( text );
  char far *text;   Text to display

    _outtext() displays the null-terminated string that text points to.
    Text display begins at the current text output position.

         Notes:     _outtext() does no formatting, in contrast to the
                    standard console I/O functions such as printf(). All
                    numeric conversions must be completed using functions
                    such as itoa(), ltoa(), ecvt(), etc. and concatenated
                    with the string that text points to before using

                    The text output position is based on character row
                    and column coordinates, and is distinct from the
                    graphics output position which is based on horizontal
                    and vertical pixel coordinates. See
                    _settextposition() for more information.

   Portability:     MS-DOS only, true MDPA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, or VGA video

 -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    This program writes text at a new logical origin in the center of the

           #include <conio.h>
           #include <graph.h>

           char text[80] = {"<-- Logical origin"};
           char xloc[10], yloc[10];

              struct xycoord xy;
              struct videoconfig config;
              short pix_row, pix_col;

              _setvideomode( _MRES4COLOR );
              _getvideoconfig( &config );

              /* shift logical origin to center of screen  */
              _setlogorg( config.numxpixels/2-1, config.numypixels/2-1);

              /* reset text position to new logical origin */
              pix_col = config.numxpixels / config.numtextcols;
              pix_row = config.numypixels / config.numtextrows;
              _settextposition( (config.numypixels/2-1)/pix_row+1,
                                (config.numxpixels/2-1)/pix_col+1 );

              /* print location of logical origin */
              _outtext( text );

              while ( !kbhit() );
              _setvideomode( _DEFAULTMODE );

See Also: _settextposition() _setactivepage() _moveto()

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