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 _pg_setchardef()        Set character definition

 #include   <pgchart.h>

 short _pg_setchardef(charnum, chardef);
 short charnum;                    ASCII character number
 unsigned char _far *chardef;      Array that holds character definition

    _pg_setchardef() sets the 8x8 screen bit map for the character
    with the ASCII number charnum as indicated by the chardef

    Returns:          Nonzero value for success; 0 otherwise.

    Notes:            Use this function only with the fonts of the
                      Presentation Graphics functions, not with Windows.

     Portability:     MS-DOS only, true MDPA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, or VGA video

See Also: _pg_defaultchart() _pg_getchardef() _pg_initchart()

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