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 _outgtext()             Output graphic text

 #include   <graph.h>

 void _outgtext(text);
 unsigned char _far *text;      Text string to display

    _outgtext() prints the string text at the current graphics
    output position (see _moveto()) on the screen in the current
    color. The current output position is updated to point to the end
    of the text after it is written on the screen.

    Notes:           _outgtext() only works in graphics modes.

    Portability:     MS-DOS only, true MDPA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, or VGA video

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    This program prints text using the first .FON file it finds.

    #include <conio.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <graph.h>

    unsigned char *tstring = "Here is the Text";

    void main()
        struct videoconfig vstruc;
        struct _fontinfo finfo;
        short nfont, maxfonts, halfinx, halfiny;


        halfinx = vstruc.numxpixels/2 - _getgtextextent(tstring)/2;
        halfiny = vstruc.numypixels/2 + _getgtextextent(tstring)/2;
        _moveto(halfinx, halfiny);

        _setfont("n1");     /* Display first font */
        _setgtextvector(1, 0);
        _setgtextvector(-1, 0);


See Also: _moveto() _setfont()

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