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 MMX registers and data types
 MMX instruction set summary
 EMMS            Empty MMX State
 MOVD            Move Doubleword to/from MMX Register
 MOVQ            Move Quadword to/from MMX Register
 PACKSSDW        Pack Doublewords into Words (Signed with Saturation)
 PACKSSWB        Pack Words into Bytes (Signed with Saturation)
 PACKUSWB        Pack Words into Bytes (Unsigned with Saturation)
 PADDB           Add with Wrap-around on Byte
 PADDD           Add with Wrap-around on Doubleword
 PADDSB          Add Signed with Saturation on Byte
 PADDSW          Add Signed with Saturation on Word
 PADDUSB         Add Unsigned with Saturation on Byte
 PADDUSW         Add Unsigned with Saturation on Word
 PADDW           Add with Wrap-around on Word
 PAND            Bitwise AND
 PANDN           Bitwise AND NOT
 PCMPEQB         Packed Compare for Equal, Byte
 PCMPEQD         Packed Compare for Equal, Doubleword
 PCMPEQW         Packed Compare for Equal, Word
 PCMPGTB         Packed Compare for Greater Than, Byte
 PCMPGTD         Packed Compare for Greater Than, Doubleword
 PCMPGTW         Packed Compare for Greater Than, Word
 PMADDWD         Packed Multiply and Add
 PMULHW          Packed Multiply High on Words
 PMULLW          Packed Multiply Low on Words
 POR             Bitwise OR
 PSLLD           Packed Shift Left Logical, Doubleword
 PSLLQ           Packed Shift Left Logical, Quadword
 PSLLW           Packed Shift Left Logical, Word
 PSRAD           Packed Shift Right Arithmetic, Doubleword
 PSRAW           Packed Shift Right Arithmetic, Word
 PSRLD           Packed Shift Right Logical, Doubleword
 PSRLQ           Packed Shift Right Logical, Quadword
 PSRLW           Packed Shift Right Logical, Word
 PSUBB           Subtraction with Wrap-around on Byte
 PSUBD           Subtraction with Wrap-around on Doubleword
 PSUBSB          Subtract Signed with Saturation on Byte
 PSUBSW          Subtract Signed with Saturation on Word
 PSUBUSB         Subtract Unsigned with Saturation on Byte
 PSUBUSW         Subtract Unsigned with Saturation on Word
 PSUBW           Subtraction with Wrap-around on Word
 PUNPCKHBW       Unpack (interleave) High-order Bytes
 PUNPCKHDQ       Unpack (interleave) High-order Doublewords
 PUNPCKHWD       Unpack (interleave) High-order Words
 PUNPCKLBW       Unpack (interleave) Low-order Bytes
 PUNPCKLDQ       Unpack (interleave) Low-order Doublewords
 PUNPCKLWD       Unpack (interleave) Low-order Words
 PXOR            Bitwise XOR
 Coding rules and suggestions
 Abbreviations and legends

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