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X-Hacker.org- dBsee 4.6 - The Library - Norton Guide
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dbLook() Automatic LOOK-UP system
dBsee4AXS() Check if the library supports AXS
dBsee4FT() Check if the library supports Fortress
dbTab2Arr() Convert a table to Array
dbTabChk() Tests a value in a table file
dbTabGet() Reads a value from a table
ddBackup() Perform a backup of all the database
ddCngRdd() Change the RDD assigned to a file on DBDD
ddDup() Create a copy of the structure of a file
ddFileDriver() Driver associated to a given file
ddFileIsTab() Tests if the current dbDD file is a table file
ddFileName() Current name of a dbDD file
ddFilePath() Returns the full path of the current dbDD file
ddFilePos() Sets the dbDD position to a given file
ddGenDbf() Generates the application files
ddIndex() Rebuilds the dbDD indexes
ddIndexFile() Rebuilds the indexes of a given file
ddIndexSys() Rebuilds the indexes of system files
ddPkChk() Verifies uniqueness of an expression
ddRestore() Perform a restore of all the database
ddUpdDbf() Update the DATABASE with the DBDD structure
ddUpdMenu() File update with choise
ddUpdRdd() Change the RDD to all the files
ddUse() Opens the application files
dfAlias2Name() Return the name of the database of an alias
dfAXSDefault() Return the default deriver of AXS
dfAXSDriver() Set the driver used by AXS
dfAXSLoaded() Check if a file it's loaded with AXS driver
dfChkDbf() Controls the correctness of a DBF file
dfChkFName() Check if a file name is ISO 9600 standard
dfClose() Optimised file closure
dfDbfExt() Returns the database files extension
dfDBFHeader() Permit to retrieve the size of the of a DBF header
dfDBFRecLen() Permits to know the record size of the DBF
dfDiskReady() Checks if there is a drive ready
dfDiskStatus() Checks state of a drive
dfExeSize() Return the size of current .EXE
dfFAppend() Appends a line to a text file
dfFClose() Closes a text file
dfFCreate() Create a text file
dfFEof() Verifies end of file
dfFGoto() Set the current position in a DFFREAD
dfFile2Html() Convert a DBF in a HTML file
dfFileDate() Return date of file
dfFileSize() Return size of file
dfFileTemp() Opens a temporary file
dfFileTime() Return the time of file
dfFindName() Return the file name form a path
dfFIsRem() Controls if the actual line is a comment
dfFLocate() Locates a string in a text file
dfFOpen() Opens a text file
dfFPos() Return the current position in a DFFREAD
dfFRead() Returns the contents of the current record
dfFreeHnd() Returns the number of available handles
dfFSelect() Selects a text file
dfFSkip() Performs a Skip in a text file
dfFTop() Performs a GoTop on a text file
dfGetFileAtr() Get the file attrib
dfIndExt() Returns the index extension used by a given driver
dfIsDBF() Tests if a file is a database file
DFISDEL() Check if current record isn't deleted
DFISSELECT() Check if a database is open
dfKeyEmpty() Generates a codeblock with an empty key
dfMaxHnd() Returns the highest number of handles
dfMemoExt() Return the extension of the MEMO FILE of one RDD
dfMemoRead() Read a text from disk
dfNameUnique() Create a unique file name
dfNullify() Sets a given field to NULL
dfOrdList() Return a list of the indexes for the current file
dfPatternPos() Seeks the position of a string within the file
dfPkNew() Create a new primary/unique key
dfPopArea() Restores the last saved area in the file stack
dfPushArea() Saves the current area in the file stack
dfRddCanComp() Check if a RDD can use the compound index
dfRddIsComp() Check if a RDD support the compound index
dfS() Executes SETORDER() and SEEK() in the current area
dfSetFileAtr() Set the file attrib
dfTabPrint() Prints the application table files
dfTView() Text file viewer
dfUse() Optimised file opening for data-entry objects
dfUseFile() Function used by the library to use a file
dfUseIni() Verifies if the current project uses DBSTART.INI
dfUserLog() Add a message to the log file
dfWKSCreate() Create a LOTUS database from an array
__dbfList() Change F6 key in the clipper debugger
__DbgDos() Opens a DOS shell from the Clipper debugger
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