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 abort                   Unconditionally abort BRIEF
 above                   Tests greater than for unsigned ints
 above_eq                Tests greater than or equal for unsigned ints
 assign_to_key           Assign command to key or key sequence
 atoi                    Convert character to ascii or string to integer
 attach_buffer           Attach a buffer to the current window
 autoload                Notify which file macros or globals are in
 backspace               Move left and delete char
 beep                    Make a noise
 beginning_of_line       Move cursor to first column of current line
 below                   Tests less than for unsigned ints
 below_eq                Tests less than or equal for unsigned ints
 borders                 Toggle window borders
 call_registered_macro   Invokes all registered macros of a given type
 cd                      Change current directory
 change_window           Make a different window active
 close_window            Close a window
 color                   Set BRIEF screen colors
 compress                Compress consecutive whitespace characters
 copy                    Copy marked area to scrap
 copy_keyboard           Copy all or part of a keyboard map
 create_buffer           Create a buffer
 create_edge             Create a new window
 create_tiled_window     Creates a tiled window
 create_window           Create an overlapping window
 cut                     Cut the marked area to scrap
 date                    Get the system date and time
 del                     Delete file
 delete_block            Delete the marked block
 delete_buffer           Remove a buffer
 delete_char             Delete character at cursor location
 delete_edge             Deletes a tiled window edge, closing a window
 delete_line             Deletes current line
 delete_macro            Delete all macros in a macro file from memory
 delete_to_eol           Deletes from cursor to end of line
 delete_window           Delete an overlapping window
 display_windows         Displays tiled windows
 distance_to_tab         Give the number of characters to next tab stop
 dos                     Execute a DOS command
 down                    Move cursor down one row
 drop_anchor             Begin a marked area
 drop_bookmark           Make a bookmark at the current location
 edit_file               Edit a file
 end_of_buffer           Move to the end of the buffer
 end_of_line             Move to the last character on the current line
 end_of_window           Move to the last line in the window
 error                   Show error message on prompt line
 execute_macro           Run a macro
 exist                   Check to see if a file exists
 exit                    Exit to DOS or return to BRIEF
 file_pattern            Set up a pattern for file searching
 find_file               Search for file names matching file_pattern
 first_time              Detects the first time a macro is executed
 get_parm                Get a passed parameter, prompting if needed
 getwd                   Get the working directory name
 goto_bookmark           Move to bookmark, or just get the location
 goto_line               Move to a particular line
 goto_old_line           Move to line before buffer modification
 index                   Locate first occurrence of one string in another
 inq_assignment          Get key assignment for function
 inq_borders             Get borders setting
 inq_brief_level         Get number of copies of BRIEF in memory
 inq_buffer              Get current buffer id
 inq_called              Get name of calling macro
 inq_btn2_action         Get the action attached to mouse button 2
 inq_cmd_line            Get text currently on prompt line
 inq_command             Get name of last command invoked from keyboard
 inq_ctrl_state          Get the state of window controls
 inq_environment         Get a value from the DOS environment
 inq_idle_default        Get the default amount of idle time
 inq_idle_time           Get number of seconds since user pressed a key
 inq_kbd_char            Get status of keyboard input buffer
 inq_kbd_flags           Get BIOS keyboard flags
 inq_keyboard            Get current keyboard id
 inq_keystroke_macro     Is keystroke macro record/playback active?
 inq_line_length         Get max line length
 inq_local_keyboard      Get local keyboard id for current buffer
 inq_macro               Find out if a macro exists
 inq_mark_size           Get number of characters in marked area
 inq_marked              Get the boundaries and type of a marked area
 inq_message             Get current message displayed on the prompt line
 inq_mode                Get typing mode: insert or overtype
 inq_modified            Get modified status for buffer
 inq_mouse_action        Get the name of the current mouse event handler
 inq_msg_level           Get current message level
 inq_names               Get file and buffer name
 inq_position            Get current position
 inq_scrap               Get scrap buffer id and mark type
 inq_screen_size         Get screen size
 inq_system              Find out if a buffer is a system buffer
 inq_top_left            Get buffer positioning information
 inq_views               Get number of windows containing a buffer
 inq_window              Get window id
 inq_window_color        Get window color (borderless only)
 inq_window_info         Get buffer id, size and type for a given window id
 inq_window_size         Get height, width, and horiz scroll amount
 insert                  Insert a formatted string into current buffer
 insert_mode             Toggle insert/overtype mode
 int_to_key              Convert an integer to mnemonic key string
 key_to_int              Convert mnemonic key string to an integer
 keyboard_flush          Clear all waiting keyboard input
 keyboard_pop            Pop a keyboard from the keyboard stack
 keyboard_push           Push a keyboard onto the keyboard stack
 keyboard_typeables      Assign self_insert to all typeable keys
 left                    Move cursor left
 load_macro              Load a macro file
 lower                   Convert a string to all lower case characters
 ltrim                   Remove leading white space from string
 mark                    Toggle mark state
 message                 Display a status message on the prompt line
 move_abs                Move to an absolute location in the buffer
 move_edge               Move a tiled window boundary
 move_rel                Move to a relative location in the buffer
 next_buffer             Get buffer id of next buffer
 next_char               Move cursor to next character
 next_window             Get window id of next tiled window
 nothing                 Do nothing...used to unassign keys
 output_file             Set name of output file for current buffer
 page_down               Move down a page
 page_up                 Move up a page
 paste                   Insert scrap buffer at cursor location
 pause_on_error          Toggle pausing execution on every error
 playback                Playback remembered keystrokes
 prev_char               Move to previous character
 print                   Print marked area to prn:
 printf                  Print message to DOS standard output (debug)
 process                 Process keystrokes until exit
 push_back               Push back a keystroke for processing elsewhere
 put_parm                Set the value of a passed parameter
 raise_anchor            Remove a marked area
 read                    Get characters starting at current location
 read_char               Get the character from the current location
 read_file               Insert a copy of a file into current buffer
 redo                    Redo the last undo command
 refresh                 Redraw the screen
 register_macro          Add a new registered macro
 remember                Start recording keystrokes
 restore_position        Go back to most recent save_position location
 returns                 Just set return value
 right                   Move cursor right
 rindex                  Locate last occurrence of one string in another
 save_keystroke_macro    Save keystroke macro to file
 save_position           Save a position for use by restore_position
 search_back             Search backward for a pattern
 search_case             Change the case-sensitivity flag
 search_fwd              Search forward for a pattern
 search_string           Search a string for another string
 self_insert             Insert key value (assigned to typeable keys)
 set_backup              Controls creation of backup files
 set_btn2_action         Sets the action for mouse button 2
 set_buffer              Sets the current buffer
 set_calling_name        Sets the name of calling function
 set_ctrl_state          Sets the state of window controls
 set_mouse_action        Sets the name of the mouse event handler
 set_mouse_type          Sets the type of mouse
 set_msg_level           Sets the message level
 set_scrap_info          Sets the scrap information
 set_top_left            Position buffer in a window
 set_window              Sets the current window
 sprintf                 Formatted print into a string
 strlen                  Get length of a string
 substr                  Extract substring from a string
 swap_anchor             Exchange cursor and anchor locations
 tabs                    Set tab stops
 time                    Get current system time
 top_of_buffer           Move to top of buffer
 top_of_window           Move to top of window
 transfer                Direct buffer-to-buffer text transfer
 translate               Translate pattern to a replacement string
 trim                    Remove trailing whitespace from string
 undo                    Undo the last command
 unregister_macro        Remove a registered macro
 up                      Move cursor up one line
 upper                   Convert string to upper case characters
 use_local_keyboard      Attaches a local keyboard to current buffer
 use_tab_char            Controls whether tabs or spaces are used
 version                 Get version number of BRIEF
 window_color            Set background color for borderless window
 write_block             Write marked block to a file
 write_buffer            Write current buffer to disk

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