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 We have built this special version of the guides for Artful FreshWin.
 If interested, you can order the Artful FreshWin library from:
 Artful Applications Inc. . 176 St. George Street . Toronto, Ont. M5R 2M7
 Voice     (416) 920-7395 . Fax    (416) 920-4892 . BBS    (416) 538-3107
               |          WINDOW FUNCTIONS          |
 w2Front()       Promote a background window to the top
 wArray()        Return the window stucture
 wAttach()       Attach an item to a window
 wBRow()         Return the bottom row text position of the window
 wCanClose()     Verify whether a window can be closed
 wCanMove()      Verify whether a window can be moved
 wCanSize()      Verify whether a window can be resized
 wCanZoom()      Verify whether a window can be zoomed
 wCargoDel()     Delete the cargo of a window
 wCargoGet()     Retrieve the cargo of a window
 wCargoPut()     Attach cargo to or replace cargo of a window
 wChgSize()      Change the size of a window
 wClear()        Clear an entire window, one line or an area
 wClone()        Clone a existing window
 wClose()        Close an window in focus
 wCol()          Return the real column co-ordinate given that for a window
 wCurCol()       Return the relative window column
 wCurRow()       Return the relative window row
 wFooter()       Assign a permanent window footer
 wFrame()        Define the default window frame
 wHBar()         Draw a horizontal crossbar in a window
 wHead()         Return the ID of the first window in the stack
 wHowClose()     Define a window closing method
 wHowOpen()      Define a window opening method
 wIBar()         Draw a vertical crossbar in a window
 wIconCol()      Return the window's icon column position
 wIconRow()      Return the window's icon row position
 wIsActive()     Verify whether a window has been activated
 wIsMax()        Verify whether a window has been maximized
 wIsMin()        Verify whether a window has been minimized
 wIsRest()       Verify whether a window has been restored
 wKill()         Remove a window from memory
 wKillAll()      Remove all windows from memory
 wLCol()         Return the window's left column text position
 wLength()       Return a window's length
 wLimit()        Limit window activity to a rectangle
 wMove()         Move a window around the screen
 wNew()          Create a window instance
 wNext()         Return the ID of the window after the one named
 wOnTop()        Return the ID of the window in focus
 wOpen()         Display a window on the screen
 wOut()          Display a value in a window
 wPos()          Move the cursor to a window position
 wPrev()         Return the ID of the window before the one named
 wProc()         Define or return a window procedure
 wPutC()         Center some text in a window
 wPutL()         Left justify some text in a window
 wPutR()         Right justify some text in a window
 wRCol()         Return the window's right column text position
 wReDraw()       Refresh the display of the current window
 wReSize()       Resize a window on the screen
 wRow()          Return the real row co-ordinate given that for the window
 wSay()          Position and format some text in a window
 wScroll()       Scroll an entire window, one line or an area
 wSet()          Set a window condition
 wSetAttr()      Change a window's color attribute w/o disturbing text
 wSetColor()     Set a window's default color
 wShadow()       Define a window shadow
 wShift()        Shift a window in one direction or diagonally
 wTail()         Return the ID of the last window in the stack
 wTitle()        Define the title of a window
 wTRow()         Return the top row text position of the window
 wView()         Display some text stored in a particular format
 wWidth()        Return a window's width
 wZoom()         Zoom open, close or restore a window
               |          MOUSE FUNCTIONS           |
 MsAtPrompt()    Replace the Clipper @...PROMPT command
 MsButClear()    Clear the previous mouse press queue
 MsButPrs()      Return details on a mouse button press
 MsButRel()      Return details on a mouse button release
 MsButton()      Return the mouse button pressed
 MsClearPrs()    Wait for the release of a mouse button
 MsClose()       Shut off the mouse cursor displayed on the screen
 MsCol()         Return the mouse cursor column
 MsDblClk()      Check for a timed double mouse click
 MsDblSpeed()    Equalize the horizontal / vertical mouse speed
 MsHidden()      Check whether a mouse has been turned off
 MsHide()        Turn off the mouse cursor displayed on the screen
 MsHideAt()      Hide the mouse cursor conditionally
 MsInKey()       Replace the Clipper inkey() command
 MsInRegion()    Test if a mouse is in a screen region
 MsIsOn()        Check whether a mouse is turned on
 MsIsPress()     Check for a particular mouse button press
 MsIsRel()       Check for a particular mouse button release
 MsLimit()       Limit mouse movement to a specific screen region
 MsMenuTo()      Replace the Clipper MENU...TO command
 MsMotion()      Return the relative change of the mouse cursor
 MsMoved()       Check whether a mouse has moved
 MsOpen()        Place the mouse cursor on the screen
 MsPrsCnt()      Return the number of mouse button presses
 MsRatio()       Set mouse mickey to pixel ratio
 MsRelCnt()      Return the number of mouse button releases
 MsRow()         Return the mouse cursor row
 MsSetPos()      Move the mouse cursor to another spot
 MsSetSpeed()    Set the mouse speed
 MsShape()       Shape the mouse cursor
 MsShow()        Turn on the mouse cursor
 MsStatus()      Get the mouse status
               |          EVENT FUNCTIONS           |
 GetEvent()      Return a window event array
 viewClose()     Close a view window
 viewNew()       Create a view window to display text
 viewStabilize() Stabilize the view window display
 viewUpdate()    Update a view window to display text
               |          VIDEO FUNCTIONS           |
 Cls()           Clear the screen without changing Clipper colors
 ClsAt()         Clear a rectangle without changing Clipper colors
 frIsColor()     Replace the Clipper ISCOLOR() function
 GetAttr()       Grab the screen location color number
 GetAttrBG()     Grab the screen location background color number
 GetAttrFG()     Grab the screen location foreground color number
 GetChar()       Grab the screen location character
 Explode()       Open / Close a window from the center to the edges
 ExplodeDn()     Open / Close a window from the top to the bottom
 ExplodeLt()     Open / Close a window from the left to the right
 ExplodeRt()     Open / Close a window from the right to the left
 ExplodeUp()     Open / Close a window from the bottom to the top
 Implode()       Close / Open a window from the edges to the center
 ImplodeDn()     Close / Open a window from top to bottom
 ImplodeLt()     Close / Open a window from left to right
 ImplodeRt()     Close / Open a window from right to left
 ImplodeUp()     Close / Open a window from bottom to top
 PrintChr()      Print a single character on screen
 PrintStr()      Print a string on screen
 RevAttr()       Reverse the attribute for a rectangle on screen
 RevChrAttr()    Reverse the attribute for one character on screen
 SetAttr()       Change screen attribute without disturbing text
 Shadow()        Change screen colors to place a shadow
 VBlindRest()    Close / Open a window like a vertical blind
 VidInit()       Re-initialize the FreshWin video sub-system
 VidType()       Return the video card type
               |         SCROLL BAR CONTROL         |
 sbChrBar()      Change the scroll bar fill character
 sbChrDec()      Change the scroll bar decrement control character
 sbChrInc()      Change the scroll bar increment control character
 sbChrThumb()    Change the scroll bar thumb character
 sbClrSpec()     Change the scroll bar color specification
 sbDisplay()     Display the scroll bar on the screen
 sbEnd1()        Return the beginning of the scroll bar
 sbEnd2()        Return the end of the scroll bar
 sbGetEvent()    Get an event for a vertical and/or horizontal bar
 sbKill()        Erase the scroll bar from the screen and memory
 sbNew()         Create a new instance of a scroll bar
 sbPlane()       Return the X or Y axis of the scroll bar
 sbPos()         Return the absolute position of the thumb character
 sbRemove()      Remove the scroll bar from the screen
 sbSetPos()      Update the scroll bar thumb character
 sbSetRange()    Set the adjustment range of the scroll bar
 sbWhere()       Return the relative position in the scroll bar
               |      COLOR ATTRIBUTE CONTROL       |
 Attr2Clr()      Return the Clipper color string of an attribute
 Clr2Num()       Return the Clipper color number of a string
 ClrTable()      Display an inkey() menu of color combinations
 Clr2Attr()      Return a color attribute from a color string
 MkClrTable()    Display all colors and make an instance of ClrTable()
 RmClrTable()    Remove the ClrTable() from the screen and memory
 ShowClrs()      Display all color combinations
 VidPalette()    Redefine colors on EGA and VGA adaptors
               |          SCREEN FUNCTIONS          |
 bClose()        Close a box and delete it from memory
 bOpen()         Open a box on screen
 DrawHBar()      Draw a horizontal crossbar
 DrawIBar()      Draw a vertical crossbar
 Rotator()       Display a rotating status indicator
               |      MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS       |
 Dec2Hex()       Convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal
 frDialog()      Pop up a dialogue box
 Hex2Dec()       Convert a hexadecimal string to a decimal
 Integer()       Convert a decimal number to a integer
 NtxPos()        Find the relative record number from an NTX file
 NtxRec()        Find the real record number from an NTX position
 Parse()         Parse a string
 PutC()          Center a string
 PutR()          Right justify a string
 Rand()          Generate a random number
 Str2Arr()       Convert a string to an array
               |         DATA TYPE FUNCTIONS        |
 ISARR()         Verify whether a item is an array
 ISBLOCK()       Verify whether a item is a code block
 ISCHAR()        Verify whether a item is a character variable
 ISDATE()        Verify whether a item is a date variable
 ISLOGI()        Verify whether a item is a logical variable
 ISMEMO()        Verify whether a item is a memo variable
 ISNIL()         Verify whether a item is a NIL data type
 ISNUM()         Verify whether a item is a numeric variable
 ISOBJ()         Verify whether a item is an object type

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