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X-Hacker.org- FreshWin (c) Fresh Technologies - <b>wclone() window function</b>
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WCLONE() Window Function
Purpose..: Clone a existing window
Syntax...: wClone( [<cWinSrc>], <cWinDest> ) --> lSuccess
Arguments: [<cWinSrc>] = window identifier to be cloned.
The default is to operate on the window in focus.
<cWinDest> = identifier for destination window.
Returns..: lSuccess
Remark...: This function will create an exact copy of <cWinSrc>
save for the window identifier. Later changes to <cWinSrc>
will not affect <cWinDest>.
The reference to a window structure array will work here
but seems rather pointless.
Source...: WCLONE.PRG
Example..: . This example clones window "A" to window "B"
wNew( "A", 5, 5, 23, 40, "W+/B", WS_CUA )
wClone( "A", "B" ) // Clone the window
wSetColor( "A", WC_ALL, "W+/BG" ) // Change color of "A"
wOpen( "A" ) // Displays "W+/BG"
wOpen( "B" ) // Displays "W+/B"
See Also: wArray()
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