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 Introduction        Introduction to string functions
 ADDASCII()          Character string editor
 AFTERATNUM()        Determine string appearance
 ASCIISUM()          String check sums
 ASCPOS()            Determine character ASCII value
 ATNUM()             Search string
 ATREPL()            Replace string
 ATTOKEN()           Determine token positions
 BEFORATNUM()        Search string position
 CENTER()            Center text
 CHARADD()           Place codes in a string
 CHARAND()           Link characters in a string
 CHAREVEN()          Transfer even characters in a string
 CHARLIST()          Determine character list in a string
 CHARMIRR()          Reverse a string
 CHARNOT()           "NOT" bytes in a string
 CHARODD()           Transfer odd characters in a string
 CHARONE()           Search and remove repeating characters
 CHARONLY()          Remove non-standard characters
 CHAROR()            "OR" bytes in a string
 CHARRELA()          Form relationships between strings
 CHARRELREP()        Replace related characters
 CHARREM()           Remove indicated characters
 CHARREPL()          Replace character strings
 CHARSORT()          Sort characters
 CHARXOR()           Link characters for encoding/decoding
 CHECKSUM()          Calculate check sum for a string
 COUNTLEFT()         Determine leading characters
 COUNTRIGHT()        Determine end characters
 CSETATMUPA()        Set internal toolbox switch
 EXPAND()            Expansion
 JUSTLEFT()          Justify text
 JUSTRIGHT()         Right justify text
 LTOC()              Convert a value to a string
 MAXLINE()           Find longest line
 NUMAT()             Search string frequency
 NUMLINE()           Determine number of lines
 NUMTOKEN()          Determine number of words/token
 PADLEFT()           Pad the start of a string
 PADRIGHT()          Pad the end of a string
 POSALPHA()          Search character position
 POSDEL()            Delete right/left characters
 POSDIFF()           Compare string differences
 POSINS()            Insert characters into a string
 POSLOWER()          Search lower case characters
 POSRANGE()          Search specified characters
 POSREPL()           Replace specified characters
 POSUPPER()          Search upper case characters
 RANGEREPL()         Replace specified character range
 REMALL()            Remove any characters
 REMLEFT()           Remove any lead characters
 REMRIGHT()          Remove any end characters
 REPLALL()           Replace all defined characters
 REPLLEFT()          Replace lead characters
 REPLRIGHT()         Replace end characters
 STRSWAP()           Swap strings
 TABEXPAND()         Tab settings
 TOKEN()             Set tokens
 TOKENLOWER()        Convert token into lower case
 TOKENUPPER()        Convert token into upper case
 VALPOS()            Convert a character into a number

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