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Syntax:     TOKENLOWER([@]<expC1>[,<expC2>][,<expN>]))

Arguments:  <expC1> is the string to search for tokens (words).
            <expC2> is the list of separators used for detecting
            the tokens.
            <expN> denotes the number of the token in which the initial
            letter is to be converted to lower case.

Returns:    A character string.
            The processed string is returned.

Usage:      TOKENLOWER() is used to convert the initial letters of the
            tokens in an <expC1> string into lower case.  If <expN> is
            specified, then that token is converted.  If it is not specified,
            then all tokens are converted.  The function will use the list
            of separators indicated under Note: as a default.  This list is
            replaced by the <expC2> list of separators if they are specified.

Notes:      The standard list of separators consists of the following

            CHR 0, 9, 10, 13, 26, 32, 238, 141
            and the characters ,.;:!?/ ()#&%+-*

            Some examples of useful separators:

            Pages                       CHR(12) (FormFeed)
            Sentences                   "!?"
            File names                  ":."
            Numerical strings           ",."
            Data strings                "/."
            Time strings                ":."

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   * Convert the initial letters of all tokens into
            * lower case if necessary.
            ? TOKENLOWER("Good Day")                    && "good day"

            * There are no detrimental effects if an
            * <expN> is larger than the number of
            * tokens specified.
            ? TOKENLOWER("Good Day",5)                  && "good day"

            * Processing the first two tokens using a
            * different separator.
            ? TOKENLOWER("/AB/AB/AB","/",2)             &&"/aB/aB/AB"


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