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Syntax:     VALPOS(<expC2>[,<expN>])

Arguments:  <expC2> is any string.
            <expN> denotes which character to convert into a number.

Returns:    A numeric value.
            Supplies the numerical value of the character at the <expN>

Usage:      With VALPOS() it is possible to convert a particular character
            from a string into a number.

Notes:      This function operates differently than the Clipper function
            VAL().  Unlike VAL(), which terminates the conversion when
            a non-numerical character appears, VALPOS() only processes
            a single character.  The last character of <expN> will be
            processed if <expC> is ommitted.  VALPOS() will return the
            valur 0 if <expN> is larger than the length of <expC>, or
            if the character selected via <expN> is not a munerical

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   string = "AX4B"

            ? VALPOS(string,3)                  && Result: 4

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