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Syntax:     TABEXPAND(<expC1>[,<expN>][,<expC2>])

Arguments:  <expC1> is the string to be processed.
            <expN> denotes the tab width.
            <expC2> contains the symbol used to fill up to a tab

Returns:    A character string.
            The processed <expC1> string.

Usage:      TABEXPAND() will replace all tab characters (CHR(9)) in the
            <expC1> string by the corresponding number of spaces or
            <expC2>.  Different tab widths can be set via <expN>.

Notes:      TABEXPAND() will default to a tab width of 8 in the absence
            of <expN> argument.  If the <expC2> character is not
            specified, then the function defaults to a space as a fill
            character.  The carriage return and line feed, where the high
            but is set, is taken into consideration.

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   * Always fill only up to the next tabulator
            * position.
            ? TABEXPAND("-"+CHR(9)+"!")                 && "-        !"
            ? TABEXPAND("....."+CHR(9)+"!")             && ".....        !"

            * It will be possible to fill with any
            * character.
            ? TABEXPAND("-"+CHR(9)+"!","+")             && "-++++++++!"

            * It will be possible to select the
            * tabulator width.
            ? TABEXPAND("-"+CHR(9)+"!",4)               && "-    !"
            ? TABEXPAND("----"+CHR(9)+"!",4)            && "----    !"
            ? TABEXPAND("----"+CHR(9)+"!",4,"+")        && "----++++!"

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