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Syntax:     CHARXOR([@]<expC1>,<expC2>)

Arguments:  <expC1> is the string to be linked by exclusive OR.
            <expC2> contains the character used to link the characters
            in <expC1> by exclusive OR.

Returns:    A character string.
            The processed <expC1> string.

Usage:      The function will link (join each bit by EXCLUSIVE OR) each
            character in <expC1> with the corresponding character in the
            <expC2> string.  It is possible to use CHARXOR() for coding
            passwords and texts.  The advantage of this function is that
            it can be used for encoding and decoding.

Notes:      If the two strings are the same length, then the first byte of
            <expC1> will be joined to the first byte of <expC2>, the
            second byte of <expC1> to the second  byte of <expC2>,
            etc.  If the <expC2> argument is shorter than <expC1>, then
            on reaching the last byte of <expC2> the continuation will
            start again with the first byte of <expC2>.  However, if
            <expC1> is shorter than <expC2> the process will stop at
            the end of <expC1>.

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   * CHARXOR() once will return the coded value.
            * A password this short should not be chosen.
            ? CHARXOR("Secret","Password")

            * Running CHARXOR() twice will return the
            * initial value again.
            ? CHARXOR(CHARXOR("Secret","Password"),"Password")
                                                        && "Secret"

            * A double coding is also possible.
            ? CHARXOR(CHARXOR("Secret","Password"),"A12B44")


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