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Syntax:     CHARONLY(<expC1>,<expC2>)

Arguments:  <expC1> contains a series of characters which should not be
            removed from <expC1>.
            <expC2> is the string to be processed.

Returns:    A character string.
            The processed <expC2> string.

Usage:      CHARONLY() will remove all the characters from the
            <expC2> string that were not indicated in <expC1>.  The
            function is therefore particularly suitable for comparing data
            which should have a standard format, but has been entered
            by different people in different formats.  Telephone numbers
            will call prefix or client's code can belong to this category
            (see example).

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   * Figures are the only characters that
            * are really relevant in a telephone number.
            * Hence remove all characters apart from
            * the digits.  The result in both cases
            * will only be "0211389977".
            ? CHARONLY("0123456789","0211 .38 99 77")
                                        && "0211389977"

            ? CHARONLY("0123456789","0211 / 389 977")
                                        && "0211389977"


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