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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 CloseClipboard()       Release ownership of the clipboard
 CountClipbFormats()    Return the number of different data formats in the clipboard
 EmptyClipboard()       Empty the clipboard and become its owner
 EnumClipbFormats()     Return the known clipboard formats one by one
 GetClipbData()         Get data from the clipboard
 GetClipbFormatName()   Return the name of a registered clipboard format
 GetClipbOwner()        Return the handle of the window that owns the clipboard
 GetClipbViewer()       Return the handle of the first window in the clipboard-viewer chain
 IsClipbFormatAvailable()Determine whether data exists in a specified clipboard format
 OpenClipboard()        Get ownership of the clipboard
 RegClipbFormat()       Register a new clipboard format
 SetClipbData()         Put data into the clipboard

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