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X-Hacker.org- Zortech C++ 3.0r4 - <b>bdosx</b>
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#include <dos.h>
int bdosx(int func, char *ptr);
Calls a DOS function (int 21h) where func is the function number and the
ptr argument is loaded into the DS:DX register pair. The argument ptr is
a standard C near or far pointer depending on the memory model. Do not
specifically use a declared near or far pointer unless it matches the
default pointer type for the memory model in use. Use intdosx for system
calls that require registers to be set up.
Under the X and P memory models bdos() and bdosx() carry out some
filtering of parameters sent to the real mode interrupt. This filtering
allows data stored in extended memory to be passed to the DOS function so
that, for instance, much larger buffers than normal can be used with the
DOS disk functions. Where pointers are passed to bdosx(), they are
assumed to contain protected mode addresses. The filtering routine used
for these functions assumes that all far pointers passed in registers to
DOS have a segment address of DGROUP. If you use bdosx() and specify a
selector other that DGROUP the results will be unpredictable.
Some of the available DOS functions are not supported or only partially
supported in the X and P memory models, refer to the entry for int86()
for more information.
Return Value
Returns the value in AX after the system call.
See Also
DOS package, bdos, intdos, intdosx, int86, int86x kage,
bdos, intdos, intdosx, int86, int86x
See Also: bdos bdosx intdos intdosx int86 int86x kage
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