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X-Hacker.org- Zortech C++ 3.0r4 - <b>intdos</b>
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#include <dos.h> /* register structures */
int intdos(union REGS *regsin,union REGS *regsout);
Note-This function is not available under OS/2.
This function performs a MS-DOS system call (int 0x21). Consult an MS-
DOS manual for specific function and calling conventions.
regsin is a pointer to a structure containing the values of the
registers AX, BX, CX, DX, SI and DI to be passed to the interrupt.
regsout is a pointer to a structure into which the return values of the
registers will be written.
The state of the carry flag can be determined from x.cflag in regsout.
The union REGS is defined in dos.h
Under the X and P memory models intdos() and intdosx() carry out some
filtering of parameters sent to the real mode interrupt. This enables
MS-DOS functions running in real mode to access data stored in extended
Some of the available DOS functions are not supported or only partially
supported in the X and P memory models. Refer to the entry for int86()
for more information.
Return Value
The value that was in AX at the end of the interrupt.
See Also
int86, int86x, intdosx, bdos
See Also: int86 int86x intdosx bdos
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