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 ?/??               Displays the results of expressions
 @...BOX            Draws a box on the screen
 @...CLEAR          Clears a rectangular region of the screen
 @...PROMPT         Paints menu prompts/define messages
 @...SAY...GET      Displays/inputs data at specified position
 @...TO             Draws single or double line boxes
 ACCEPT             Enters a string into a memory variable
 APPEND BLANK       Adds a new record to current database file
 APPEND FROM        Appends records from (.dbf) or ASCII file
 AVERAGE            Averages a series of numeric expressions
 BEGIN SEQUENCE     Defines a code sequence of statements
 CALL               Executes compiled or assembled programs
 CANCEL / QUIT      Terminates program processing
 CLEAR              Clears the screen
 CLEAR ALL          Closes files and releases memory variables
 CLEAR GETS         Releases all pending GETs
 CLEAR MEMORY       Releases memory variables
 CLEAR TYPEAHEAD    Empties keyboard
 CLOSE              Closes specific classes of files
 COMMIT             Performs solid-disk write for all work areas
 CONTINUE           Resumes pending LOCATE
 COPY               Copies current (.dbf) to a new file
 COPY FILE          Duplicates a file of any type
 COPY STRUCTURE     Copies current (.dbf) structure to new (.dbf)
 COPY STRU EXTENDED Copies field definitions to database file
 COUNT              Tallys records to a memory variable
 CREATE             Creates structure extended database file
 CREATE FROM        Creates (.dbf) from structure extended file
 DECLARE            Creates private arrays
 DELETE             Marks records for deletion
 DIR                Displays file listing from specified path
 DISPLAY            Accesses records and displays results
 DO                 Executes a procedure
 DO CASE            Executes one of several sets of statements
 DO WHILE           Executes loop while condition is true (.T.)
 EJECT              Advances the print head to the top of form
 ERASE / DELE FILE  Removes a file from disk
 EXTERNAL           Declares symbol(s) for the linker
 FIND               Searches an index for a specified key value
 FOR...NEXT         Executes statements based on range expression
 FUNCTION           Declares a user-defined function
 GO/GOTO            Moves record pointer to a specific record
 IF                 Selects a path of program execution
 INDEX              Creates an index file for the current database
 INPUT              Enters an expression into a memory variable
 JOIN               Creates new (.dbf) by merging records/fields
 KEYBOARD           Stuffs the keyboard buffer with a string
 LABEL FORM         Displays labels from (.lbl) definition
 LIST               Displays records in current work area
 LOCATE             Searches an index for a specified condition
 MENU TO            Executes a light-bar menu for defined PROMPTs
 NOTE/*/&&          Places a comment in a program
 PACK               Removes records marked for deletion
 PARAMETERS         Identifies memvars that receive passed values
 PRIVATE            Creates a new private memvar or array
 PROCEDURE          Identifies the beginning of a procedure
 PUBLIC             Declares memvars and/or arrays as PUBLIC
 QUIT / CANCEL      Terminates program processing
 READ               Enters editing mode using pending GETs
 RECALL             Reinstates records marked for deletion
 REINDEX            Rebuilds open indexes in current work area
 RELEASE            Deletes memory variables
 RENAME             Renames a file to a new name
 REPLACE            Changes field contents to specified values
 REPORT FORM        Displays reports from (.frm) definition
 RESTORE            Retrieves memvars from a memory (.mem) file
 RESTORE SCREEN     Redisplays a previously saved screen
 RETURN             Terminates a procedure or program
 RUN/!              Executes a DOS command or program
 SAVE               Saves memvars to a memory (.mem) file
 SAVE SCREEN        SAVEs current SCREEN to a buffer or memvar
 SEEK               Searches an index for a specified key value
 SELECT             Changes the current work area
 SET ALTERNATE      Directs output to a text file
 SET BELL           Toggles whether bell rings during data entry
 SET CENTURY        Toggles whether a date displays the century
 SET COLOR          Defines screen display attributes
 SET CONFIRM        Toggles required GET termination with Return
 SET CONSOLE        Toggles command display to the screen
 SET CURSOR         Toggles the screen cursor on and off
 SET DATE           Sets date format for display
 SET DECIMALS       Sets number of decimal places displayed
 SET DEFAULT        Sets default drive and directory
 SET DELETED        Toggles filtering of deleted records
 SET DELIMITERS     Defines character(s) used to delimit GETs
 SET DEVICE         Directs the output of @...SAY commands
 SET ESCAPE         Toggles Esc as READ termination key
 SET EXACT          Determines exact matches for character strings
 SET EXCLUSIVE      Determines shared or exclusive USE of (.dbf)
 SET FILTER         Displays records meeting a specified condition
 SET FIXED          Toggles the number of decimal places displayed
 SET FORMAT         Activates a format file when a READ is performed
 SET FUNCTION       Assigns a character string to a function key
 SET INDEX          Opens specified index file(s) in current work area
 SET INTENSITY      Toggles GET display in color or reverse video
 SET KEY            Allows procedure invocation from a key press
 SET MARGIN         Sets the left margin for all printed output
 SET MESSAGE        Sets the line where @...PROMPT...MESSAGEs display
 SET ORDER          Selects a new controlling index
 SET PATH           Specifies Clipper search path for opening files
 SET PRINT          Toggles echo of CONSOLE output to the printer
 SET PRINTER        Determines the destination of printed output
 SET PROCEDURE      Compiles procedures/UDF's into the current (.obj)
 SET RELATION       Relates two work areas using key expressions
 SET SCOREBOARD     Toggles message display within READ and MEMOEDIT()
 SET SOFTSEEK       Toggles relative SEEKing on or off
 SET TYPEAHEAD      Sets the size of the keyboard buffer
 SET UNIQUE         Toggles inclusion of non-unique keys in an index
 SET WRAP           Toggles wrapping in MENUs
 SKIP               Moves the record pointer to a new position
 SORT               Copies records to a database file in sorted order
 STORE              Initializes/assigns a value to one or more memvars
 SUM                Sums numeric expressions to memory variables
 TEXT               Display a block of text to the screen
 TOTAL              Summarizes records by key value
 TYPE               Displays contents of a text file to the screen
 UNLOCK             Releases file/record locks set by the current user
 UPDATE             Updates current (.dbf) from another (.dbf)
 USE                Opens existing (.dbf) and its associated files
 WAIT               Suspends program processing until a key is pressed
 ZAP                Removes all records from the current database file

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