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Syntax:     ?/?? <exp list>

Purpose:    To display the results of one or more expressions separated
            by a space.

Argument:   <exp list> is the list of values of any data type to
            display.  The list can consist of any combination of data
            types including memo type.

Usage:      There are two forms of the command.  ? by itself displays a
            carriage return/line feed before displaying the results of
            the expression list.  The ??, by contrast, sends the output
            without the carriage return/line feed thus allowing
            successive ?? commands to display to the same line.

            Note that the result of each expression in the list is
            separated by a space.

Library:    CLIPPER.LIB

----------------------------------- Examples -------------------------------

   This example displays on two separates lines:

   ? "Hello "
   ? "there"

   Results:       Hello

   This example, by contrast, displays on the same line:

   ? "Hello "
   ?? "there"

   Results:       Hello there

See Also: @...SAY...GET TEXT

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