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Syntax:     REPORT FORM <file1>/(<expC1>) [<scope>] [FOR
            <condition>] [WHILE <condition>] [TO PRINT] [TO FILE
            <file2>/(<expC2>)] [SUMMARY] [PLAIN] [HEADING <expC3>]

Purpose:    To display a tabular and optionally grouped report with page
            and column headings from a definition held in a (.frm) file.

Argument:   <file1> is the name of the (.frm) file that contains the
            FORM definition of the REPORT.  If the extension is not
            specified (.frm) is assumed.

Options:    Scope: The <scope> is the portion of the current
            database file to report.  The default scope is ALL.

            Condition: The FOR clause specifies the conditional set
            of records to report within the given scope.  The WHILE
            clause specifies the set of records meeting the condition
            from the current record until the condition fails.

            Print: The TO PRINT clause echoes output to the printer.

            File: The TO FILE clause echoes output to a file,
            <file2>, without form feed characters (ASCII 12).  If a file
            extension is not specified, a (.txt) is added.

            Summary: The SUMMARY clause causes the REPORT FORM to
            display only group, subgroup, and grand total lines.  Detail
            lines are suppressed.

            Plain: The PLAIN clause suppresses the display of the
            date, page number, and pagination.  In addition, the report
            title and column headings display only at the top of the

            Heading: The HEADING clause places the result of <expC3>
            on the first line of each page.  <ExpC3> is evaluated only
            once at the beginning of the report and before the record
            pointer is moved.

            Noeject: The NOEJECT clause suppresses the initial page
            eject when the TO PRINT clause is used.

Usage:      The REPORT FORM executes a report using a definition stored
            in a (.frm) file.  The (.frm) can be created using RL.EXE.

            If you want to include form feed characters when sending the
            REPORT FORM TO FILE, add the lines of code shown below to
            your program:

            SET PRINTER TO <file>
            REPORT FORM <(.frm) file> TO PRINT
            SET PRINTER TO

Library:    CLIPPER.LIB

----------------------------------- Example --------------------------------

   USE Sales INDEX Sales
   REPORT FORM Sales TO PRINT FOR Branch = "100"

See Also: LABEL FORM LIST Frm_load() Frm_save() RL.EXE

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