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X-Hacker.org- Intermec Online Guide - <b>transmit out modem or terminal port (x)</b>
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Purpose: Transmit data out modem or terminal port.
Format: X 1 2 ,3;vvvv
Remarks: X Receive data
1...3 Select three modifiers as follows:
1 M is receive from modem port.
T is receive from terminal port.
2 P is receive with protocol.
N is receive with no protocol.
3 is what to transmit:
0 is default file data.
A - Z is all records of that file.
%i is string register $i (0 - 3 ).
;vvvv Receive timeout. If reader does not receive data by
vvvv * 10 msec., then execute next program statement
(vvvv = 1 to 6500).
Transmit to terminal is always without protocol. The command XTP is
the same as the command XTN.
A number is placed in numeric register #0 to indicate the status of
the transmission:
in #0: Meaning:
0 Good Transmit
1 Transmit failure
2 Transmit timeout occured with
no transmission
Note: Certain characters can be represented in character sequences
involving the backslash (\) character. The sequences \n (line
feed), \b (backspace), and \e (escape) are recognized as special
control characters. Any control character can be generated by
using \0xHH where HH represents the two hexidecimal digit value
for the control character. For example, \0x7f is the DEL character.
This applies to Transmit to Terminal Port only.
XMP,A;900 is transmit (X) out modem port (M) with protocol (P)
transmitting file A with a 9 second timeout.
See Also: Y
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