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X-Hacker.org- Intermec Online Guide - <b>receive from modem or terminal port (y)</b>
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Purpose: Receive data from modem or terminal port.
Format: Y 1 2 {,3};vvvv
Remarks: Y Receive data
1...{,3} Select three modifiers as follows:
1 M is receive from modem port.
T is receive from terminal port.
2 P is receive with protocol.
N is receive with no protocol.
{,3} optional termination character, which can be
any ASCII character preceeded by a comma.
The optional termination character is valid
only when no protocol is selected. Data
reception ceases when the optional termination
character is encountered in the transmitted
;vvvv Receive timeout. If reader does not receive data by
vvvv * 10 msec., then execute next program statement
(vvvv = 1 to 6500).
Data received with this command is appended to the contents of $0.
The capacity of string register $0 is 128 characters.
A number is put in numeric register #0 to indicate the status of
the reception (see table). The only status that indicates a good
reception is 0.
If no protocol is selected and no optional termination character
is specified, only one character is appended to string register $0.
If data is received from the terminal port and protocol is selected,
only one character is appended to string register $0.
If data is received from the terminal port and protocol is not
selected, all data preceding the termination character is appended
to string register $0.
Receive Status Code
Input Data Returned
Statement: Event: ($0): Status (#0):
YMP Good Receive 1 Record 0
YMP Xmit Error None 4
YMP;vvvv Timeout None 1
YMN Good Receive 1 Character 0
YMN Bad Parity None 3
YMN,C Good Receive Data Received 0
Prior to
Term. Character
YMN,C No Termination Data Until $0 2
Characters in Is Full
128 Characters
YMN;vvvv Timeout Data Received 1
Until That Point
See Also: X
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