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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Grumpfish Library 3.2 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
@..GGET       Many useful Grumpy extensions to the @..GET command            .
ADD_REC()     Attempts to APPEND BLANK
AMT2CHR()     Convert numeric to character string
APICK()       Picklist window with status bar, tagging/toggling, etc.
BLANKSCR()    Prevent monitor burn-in during periods of inactivity
BLINDOPEN()   Draw screen with venetian blinds effect
BLINDCLOSE()  Clear screen using venetian blinds effect
BOXGET()      Generic GET function                                           .
BYEBYEBOX()   Restore screen after box drawing operation
CALC_PIC()    Simulate calculator-style data entry
CENTER()      Centers a character string
CLRSCR()      Nine novel methods of clearing the screen
COLORINIT()   Initialize Grumpfish color settings to color/mono              .
COLORMOD()    View/modify/save all Grumpfish Library color settings        ...
COLORPAL()    Interactive color palette
COLORSET()    Change color in conformance with internal settings           ...
COLOR_N2S()   Convert color number to dBASE color string                     .
COLOR_S2N()   Convert dBASE color string to number                           .
DATEST()      Strips slashes from empty dates
DATEWORD()    Returns the English version of the system date
DROPBOX()     Draw a drop-down box
ERR_MSG()     Display error message and wait for keypress
EXBOX()       Exploding box
EXPBOX()      "True" exploding box (for use with IMPBOX())
FADEIN()      Displays screen with fade-in effect
FADEOUT()     Displays screen with fade-out effect
FALLGUY()     Drops a character string from top row to specified row
FILELOCK()    Attempts to lock a file
FIRSTCAP()    Returns upper- and lower-case character string
FOTOCOPY()    Copy current record into other work areas
GETDATE()     Point-and-shoot routine for entering a date variable
GFATTR()      Draw transparent shadow                                       ..
GFDAY()       Returns day of week in English/French/German                 ...
GFMONTH()     Returns name of month in English/French/German                ..
GFRAND()      Generate a random number
GFREADLINE()  Read in a line from an open text file
GFRESTENV()   Restore environment (cursor position/size/color)               .
GFRESTGETS()  Restore previously saved GETs                                  .
GFRESTSETS()  Restores previous-saved SET variables                          .
GFSAVEENV()   Save environment (cursor position and size/color/screen)       .
GFSAVEGETS()  Save current GETs                                              .
GFSAVESETS()  Save current status of all SET variables                       .
GGETALIAS()   Returns alias associated with a specified GET                  .
GGETCOL()     Returns/changes column position of a specified GET             .
GGETCOLOR()   Returns/changes color setting of a specified GET               .
GGETNAME()    Returns name of a specified GET                                .
GGETNO()      Returns position of specified GET in the GET list              .
GGETPIC()     Returns/changes PICTURE clause for a specified GET             .
GGETROW()     Returns/changes row position of a specified GET                .
GINKEY()      Replacement for INKEY() which serves as a wait state           .
GINKEYTIME()  Establish GINKEY() timeout settings                            .
GKILLGET()    Remove a GET from the currently active GET list                .
GLOADARRAY()  Load array from a text file
GRUMPCALC()   Pop-up spreadsheet, perfect for numeric GETs                 ...
GRUMPBROW()   Generic database browser with screen painter etcetera         ..
GSAVEARRAY()  Save array to a text file                                     ..
HBLINDOPEN()  Display screen with horizontal blinds effect
HBLINDCLOS()  Clear screen with horizontal blinds effect
HELP/HELPDEV  Display/create context-specific help screens
HELPDEVSET()  Change global defaults for HELPDEV()                           .
HELPSET()     Change name of help database file for HELP()                   .
HELPBROW()    Interactive help screen for data validation
HSCRNSCRL()   Display screen with horizontal scroll effect
IMPBOX()       True" imploding box (for use with EXPBOX())
INDEXBAR()    Displays status graph when rebuilding index files             ..
ISCONFIG()    Check CONFIG.SYS for FILES and BUFFERS statements
ISPOSTCODE()  Validates Canadian Postal Codes
ISSTATE()     Validates state abbreviations
LITE_MENU()   Draw menu with highlighted and/or alternate trigger letters
LITE_MENU2()  Draw menu with highlighted and/or alternate trigger letter   ...
MEMEDIT()     Generic memofield editing
MENUH()       Horizontal bounce-bar menu
MENUV()       Vertical bounce-bar menu
NET_USE()     Opens files in shared mode
PASS_CHK()    Generic password routine
POPBOX()      Draw a pop-up box
POPCALC()     Pop-up calculator
POPDATE()     Pop-up calendar/appointment tracker
POPNOTE()     Pop-up notepad/word processor
POPPHONE()    Pop-up phone number/address directory
POPSTOP()     Pop-up stopwatch
PRINTOK()     Tests for printer on-line
PSYCHOPATH()  Tests whether a file exists in the DOS PATH
PULL_DRAPE()  Displays screens with "curtains opening" effect
RAINBOW()     Display a character string with color-wash effect
RANDFILE()    Generate random filename
REC_LOCK()    Attempts to lock a record
SAVE_DRAPE()  Creates screen file for use with PULL_DRAPE()
SCRNCENTER()  Centers a character string on the screen                       .
SETFILT       Pseudo-SQL query of any database
SHADOWBOX()   Displays box with transparent shadow
SHRBOX()      Shrinking box
SPREAD()      Display character string from the middle out
TIMESTAMP()   Implants a date/time stamp into a memo field
TIMEWORD()    Returns word describing time of day (morning, etc)
TTY()         Display string continuously from left to right
TTY2()        Display string continuously from right to left
UP_N_DOWN()   Flexible upper- and lower-case data entry
Using Multiple Desktop Utilities
VSCRNSCRL()   Display screen with vertical scroll effect
WAITON()      Visual feedback for tedious processes (printing, etc)
WAITOFF()     Restore screen after WAITON()
WORLDUPPER()  Same as UPPER() but handles several foreign characters         .
YES_NO()      Get answer to yes/no question
YES_NO2()     Get answer to any two-pronged question (Yes/No, Printer/File...)

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