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X-Hacker.org- Grumpfish Library 3.2 - <b>shadowbox()</b>
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Sometimes you just want a no-nonsense box with a transparent shadow.
No explosions, no nothing. For those special times when less is
more, here is SHADOWBOX():
SHADOWBOX(<top>, <left>, <bottom>, <right>
[, <type>, <title>, <crossbar>, <color>])
Required Parameters
<top>, <left>, <bottom>, <right> are integers representing the box
Optional Parameters
<type> is an integer numeric between 1 and 6, and represents the
type of box desired. The choices are the same as for the other box
functions. If you do not pass this parameter, a double line box
will be used.
<title> is a character string to be used as the box title. It will
be centered and framed on the top row of the box.
<crossbar> is a variable of any type. It affects the display of the
box title. If you pass this parameter, the title will be centered on
the row below the top row of the box, and a horizontal line (or
crossbar) will be drawn on the row beneath that. If you do not pass
this parameter, the title will be centered and framed on the top row
of the box.
The <color> parameter is available in the Clipper 5 version. This
is a character string indicating the color in which to display the
box. If not specified, the box will be drawn in the current color.
Return Value
SHADOWBOX() returns a character string, which contains the
coordinates of the box, followed by the contents of that area of the
screen prior to the box being drawn. For example, an exploding box
drawn at coordinates 0, 0, 24, 79 would return the string containing
CHR(0) + CHR(0) + CHR(24) + CHR(79), followed by the contents of
SAVESCREEN(0,0,24,79). This character string can be used by
ByeByeBox() to redisplay that portion of the screen.
Note that under Clipper 5, this function returns a five element
array rather than a concatenated character string. The structure
of this array is { <top>, <left>, <bottom>, <right>, <contents>}.
This makes performance brisker when using BYEBYEBOX().
Sample usage
mDATE = CTOD("") && beats using (" / / ")
buffer = SHADOWBOX(11, 21, 13, 58, 2, 'Date Entry')
@ 12, 23 SAY 'Enter the starting date:'
@ 12, 48 GET mDATE PICTURE '@D'
Clipper 5 Notes
Because there are now eight parameters, a user-defined command
is provided for your ease of use. The syntax for the UDC is:
SHADOWBOX [BUFFER <buffer>] [TOP <top>] [LEFT <left>] ;
[BOTTOM <bottom>] [RIGHT <right>] [TYPE <type>] ;
[TITLE <title>] [CROSSBAR <crossbar>] [COLOR <color>]
The BUFFER clause can be used if you want to save the contents of
the underlying screen. This can later be used with the
ByeByeBox() function. (Thanks to Matt Amis for the suggestion.)
Note that if you wish to use this user-defined command syntax,
you must #include "grump.ch" at the top of your file. The following
is an example of its use.
#include "grump.ch"
function test
local xx
@ 0, 0, maxrow(), maxcol() box replicate("*", 9) color "w/r"
shadowbox buffer xx top 10 left 10 bottom 12 right 69 color 'w/rb'
return nil
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