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 Class TWBrowse  Inherits from TControl
 aActions        An array of codeblocks actions for clicking header    .
 lRegistered     A CLASSDATA value. See TWindow:lRegistered.
 cAlias          The workarea alias where the browse was created             .
 cField          SELECT clause expression in SELECT ... FOR ... TO ...       .
 uValue1         FOR clause expression in SELECT ... FOR ... TO ...          .
 uValue2         TO clause expression in SELECT ... FOR ... TO ...           .
 bLine           Retrieves an array of expressions for each column.          .
 bSkip           Like Clipper TBrowse:skipBlock. We provide a default one    .
 bGoTop          Like Clipper TBrowse:goTopBlock. We provide a default one   .
 bGoBottom       Like Clipper TBrowse:goBottomBlock. We provide a default one.
 bLogicLen       CodeBlock that retrieves de length of the Data. We supply one
 bChange         CodeBlock to perform when moving from row to row            .
 bAdd            The codeblock to execute for adding a new record            .
 nRowPos         The row which has the focus.                                .
 nColPos         The left column visible on screen.                          .
 nLen            The number of elements. By default is Eval( ::bLogicLen )   .
 nAt             The array element currently selected when browsing arrays   .
 lHitTop         Like Clipper TBrowse:hitTop.                                .
 lHitBottom      Like Clipper TBrowse:hitBottom.                             .
 lCaptured       If the mouse is being captured  (resizing columns)          .
 lMChange        If it is allowed to resize columns                          .
 aHeaders        Array of cText for the Header of each column.               .
 aColSizes       Array of nSize for each column.                             .
 nClrBackHead    Header background color                                     .
 nClrForeHead    Header foreground color                                     .
 nClrBackFocus   Focused line background color                               .
 nClrForeFocus   Focused line foreground color                               .
 aJustify        An array of logical elements, one per column, for right justify

 New             Constructor from source code                                .
 ReDefine        Constructor from resources                                  .
 SetArray        Automatically sets an array to be browsed                   .
 SetTree         Automatically sets a tree to be browsed                     .
 lCloseArea      Closes the associated area of the browse                    .
 LDblClick       Left double click events management                         .
 Default         Default initialization                                      .
 VertLine        Vertical resizing of the columns                            .
 BugUp           Corrects the painting when very few records are browsed     .
 lEditCol        Edits a cell of the browse                                  .
 GetDlgCode      Returns the GetDlgCode associated                           .
 GoUp            Goes up one line                                            .
 GoDown          Goes down one line                                          .
 GoLeft          Goes left one column                                        .
 GoRight         Goes right one column                                       .
 GoTop           Goes to the first element browsed                           .
 GoBottom        Goes to the last element browsed                            .
 HandleEvent     Specific browses HandleEvent METHOD                         .
 HScroll         Horizontal scrollbars events manager                        .
 Init            Initialization process                                      .
 PageUp          Goes up one page                                            .
 PageDown        Goes down one page                                          .
 KeyDown         Method to handle WM_KEYDOWN events.                         .
 KeyChar         Method to handle WM_CHAR events.                            .
 LButtonDown     Left mouse click events manager                             .
 LButtonUp       Left mouse releasing events manager                         .
 MouseMove       Mouse Movements events manager                              .
 Paint           Painting method                                             .
 VScroll         Vertical scrollbar events manager                           .
 Skip            Moves the cursor up or down.                                .
 DrawLine        Redraws a specific row without input focus look             .
 DrawSelect      Redraws cursor row with input focus look                    .
 RecAdd          Adds a new record evaluating the bRecAdd codeblock          .
 SetFilter       Changes the currently values assigned for indexed filters   .
 GotFocus        Got focus processes                                         .
 UpStable        Forces to stabilize properly when a very records are browsed.
 nRowCount       Returns the number of visible rows on the browse            .
 GetColSizes     Returns an array with all the sizes of the columns          .
 LostFocus       Losing focus processes                                     .
 nAtCol          Returns the column placed at a specific pixel position      .
 Report          Automatically generates a Report from the browse            .

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