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X-Hacker.org- FiveWin 1.9.2 - January 97 - <b>blogiclen</b> codeblock that retrieves de length of the data. we supply one
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bLogicLen CodeBlock that retrieves de length of the Data. We supply one
It keeps a codeblock that returns the total number of records managed
by the browse.
By default it returns the ( <oBrw>:cAlias )->( RecCount() ), or if
you are doing a SELECT ... FOR ... TO ... clause just the number
of records that matched that SELECTion.
Important: The browse object uses the numeric value returned by this
codeblock to show the proper range represented by the vertical scrollbar
of the browse. If you are managing DELETEd records, then you may cause
a variation between the records displayed (if SET DELETED is OFF), and
the range represented by the scrollbar.
To avoid this you need to use Comix or SixDrivers, because they supply
functions to calculate the number of records that matched a specific
index. If you index by NO DELETED, then those drivers will report
how many records are NOT deleted, and this will be the value to be
returned by this codeblock:
<oBrw>:bLogicLen = { || ...NumberOfRecordsNotDeleted() }
In Comix the function is called CmxKeyCount().
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