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 Class TPrinter
 hDC              Handle of the Device Context of the Printer
 hDCOut           Handle of the current metafile in use if file output specified
 aMeta            Arrays of metafiles names generated in disk
 cDevice          The name of the output device
 cDocument        The name of the spooler document
 cDriver          The name of the printer driver in use
 cModel           Alternative printer to use
 cPort            The name of the port used
 cDir             The path for the metafiles storage. By default TEMP
 nPage            The page currently printed
 nXOffset         Coordinates of the virtual page origin
 nYOffset         Coordinates of the virtual page origin
 lMeta            If the output has to go to metafiles in disk
 lModified        If the printer device handle should be initialized again
 lStarted         If the printing already started
 oFont            Default font to use for printing

 New              Constructor from source code                               .
 End              Destroys the current printer object                        .
 EndPage          Ends the actual printed page.                              .
 FillRect         Fills a rectangle with a specified brush object.           .
 Box              Draws a box.                                               .
 Cmtr2Pix         Converts a centimeters coordinates into pixels coordinates .
 DraftMode        Select the draft mode for speed up the printing            .
 GetOrientation   Retrieves the printer orientation.                         .
 GetPhySize       Retrieves the paper physical dimensions                    .
 GetTextHeight    Retrieves text Height for a specific font object           .
 GetTextWidth     Retrieves text Width for a specific font object            .
 ImportWMF        Imports a Windows metafile to be used as template          .
 Inch2Pix         Converts a inches coordinates into pixels coordinates      .
 Line             Draws a line.                                              .
 nHorzRes         Retrieves the horizontal resolution.                       .
 nHorzSize        Retrieves the width of the physical dimensions             .
 nLogPixelX       Retrieves the number of pixels per logical inch            .
 nLogPixelY       Retrieves the number of pixels per logical inch            .
 nVertRes         Retrieves the height of the printer page in raster lines   .
 nVertSize        Retrieves the vertical dimensions in millimeters           .
 Pix2Inch         Converts pixels coordinates into inches coordinates        .
 Pix2Mmtr         Change from pixels to millimeters coordinates              .
 Preview          Make a preview of the print work                           .
 Rebuild          Rebuilds all the associated handles and files of the printer
 ResetDC          Updates the associated device handle of the printer object .
 Say              Prints a text at a certain coordinates.                    .
 SayBitmap        Prints a Bitmap.                                           .
 SetAnisotropicMode Set the anisotropic mode.                                .
 SetCopies        Set the number of copies to print.                         .
 SetHiInchMode    Set the high inch mode.                                    .
 SetHiMetricMode  Set the high metric mode.                                  .
 SetIsotropicMode Set the Isotropic mode.                                    .
 SetLandscape     Set the printer orientation to Landscape                   .
 SetLoInchMode    Set the low inch mode.                                     .
 SetLoMetricMode  Set the low Metric mode.                                   .
 SetPage          Specifies the size of the paper to print on.               .
 SetPixelMode     Set the Pixel mode.                                        .
 SetPortrait      Set the printer orientation to Portrait                    .
 SetPos           Set a new position on the page for next printing           .
 SetSize          Selects a different page dimensions                        .
 SetTwipsMode     Each logical unit is converted to 1/20 of a point          .
 SetFont          Sets and retrieves the default printer font object         .
 Setup            Standard Setup DialogBox for printing                      .
 SetViewPortExt   Sets the X and Y dimensions of the viewport                .
 SetWindowExt     Sets the X and Y extents of the printer device             .
 StartPage        Begins a new page                                          .

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