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 Say                Prints a text at a certain coordinates.

 Syntax:            <oPrn>:Say( <nRow>, <nCol>, <cText>, <oFont>, <nWidth>,
                                <nClrText>, <nBkMode>, <nPad> )


 <nRow>             The coordinates where to display a text. They are
 <nCol>             graphical coordinates, and may be pixels, inches,
                    millimeters, twips, etc... accordingly to the current
                    SetMapMode() active on the device. Pixels are used
                    by default.

 <cText>            The text to display.

 <oFont>            An optional font object to use for printing.

 <nWidth>           The total width of the text. By default it is the
                    width of the text.

 <nClrText>         An optional color to use for printing the text.

 <nBkMode>          A numeric value indicating how to mix the text with the

                    1       Transparent
                    2       Opaque

 <nPad>             A numeric value indicating how align the text to
                    print: ( PAD_LEFT is used by default)

                    #define PAD_LEFT            0
                    #define PAD_RIGHT           1
                    #define PAD_CENTER          2

See Also: CmSay() InchSay()

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