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X-Hacker.org- dBsee 4.6 - The Library - Norton Guide
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ddQry() Defines a condition on current file records
dfFile2Laser() Prints a file on the laserjet printer
dfFile2Prn() Prints a file on the currently selected printing device
dfGrpCreate() Create an entry for a group in the VIRTUAL RECORD
dfPrint() Prints a single line of a report
dfPrnArr() Returns the array of printer configuration
dfPrnCfg() Sets the internal array with printer settings
dfPrnChk() Checks the printer status
dfPrnEnd() Returns the string at the end of printing
dfPrnFltDes() Returns the description of a query
dfPrnFltExp() Returns the string expression of a query
dfPrnFOOTER() Jumps to the next page
dfPrnHEADER() Prints a page header
dfPrnIni() Returns the string that initiates printing
dfPrnLab() Generic Label Function
dfPrnMenu() Display report menu and set parameters
dfPrnOut() Passes the file for printing at the selected output
dfPrnPage() Returns current page
dfPrnSet() Assigns a new printer to the array for printing
dfPrnStart() Prints a virtual record
dfQryFltDes() Create the describing string of a query
dfQryFltExp() Create a query literal expression
dfReportFOOTER() Prints a Report Footer
dfUpdVR() Update the VIRTUAL RECORD parameters
dfVRAddFle() Adds an element to the VIRTUAL RECORD
dfVRCreate() Creates a VIRTUAL RECORD entry
dfVRGet() Gets an Element from the VIRTUAL RECORD
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