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 C_ADAYS()      - adds or subtracts days from a date
 C_ADECLARE()   - declares a numeric ClipOn array
 C_ADUP()       - duplicates contents of a ClipOn array
 C_AFIND()      - searches a ClipOn array for a numeric
 C_AGET()       - gets a value from a Clipon array
 C_ALLALPHA()   - checks if characters are A-Z, a-z
 C_ALLDIGIT()   - checks if characters are 0-9
 C_ALLFLOAT()   - checks if 0-9 with one decimal
 C_ALLXALPH()   - checks if characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9
 C_ALT()        - the INKEY() code for Alt key
 C_AMONTHS()    - adds or subtracts months from a date
 C_APUT()       - stores a value to a ClipOn array
 C_ARELEASE()   - releases a ClipOn array
 C_ARRAVG()     - the average of array elements
 C_ARRCT()      - the number of defined elements in array
 C_ARRMAX()     - the maximum value in array
 C_ARRMIN()     - the minimum value in array
 C_ARRNUM()     - search for numeric in a Clipper array
 C_ARRSTR()     - the longest string in array
 C_ARRSUM()     - the sum of array elements
 C_ASEARCH()    - fills ClipOn array with record numbers
 C_ASIZE()      - the size of a ClipOn array
 C_ATOCHAR()    - converts array to a string with delimiter
 C_ATOMACRO()   - converts array of field names to macro
 C_ATRIM()      - removes left and right spaces from string
 C_AYEARS()     - adds or subtracts years from a date
 C_BACKUP()     - backs up specified file(s) of any type and size
 C_BAR()        - manages a horizontal or vertical scroll bar
 C_BCENTER()    - centers text in a box
 C_BGCOLOR()    - returns the background of color string
 C_BGINTENSE()  - allows 16 background colors instead of 8
 C_BIN2NUM()    - converts binary string to number
 C_BLINKCOLOR() - the blinking attributes of color string
 C_BOX()        - draws 5 box styles with opt. connector lines
 C_BOXATTR()    - changes box border color to specified color
 C_BOXCHAR()    - returns box characters for 5 box types
 C_BROWSE()     - browse DBF; add/chg/del, complete DBF or subset
 C_BTOZ()       - converts blank spaces to zeroes
 C_BUTTON()     - displays text in a box with shadowing
 C_CAPLOCK()    - gets/sets the Caps Lock key
 C_CAPS()       - capitalizes first letter of each word
 C_CAPTSCRN()   - captures screen to a DOS text file
 C_CENTER()     - centers text on screen at row
 C_CHARTOA()    - converts character string to an array
 C_CHDIR()      - changes directories
 C_CHGATTR()    - changes screen attributes from/to color
 C_CLOSEAREA()  - closes DBF(s) using work area number
 C_CLOSEDBF()   - closes DBF(s) using alias name
 C_CLS()        - clear screen with color
 C_COMINIT()    - sets baud, parity, etc. for COM port
 C_COMREAD()    - reads character from COM port
 C_COMSTAT()    - status of COM port
 C_COMWRITE()   - writes characters to COM port
 C_CPUTIME()    - returns time delay factor
 C_CRSIZEDN()   - gets the lower line of the cursor
 C_CRSIZEUP()   - gets the upper line of the cursor
 C_CTOL()       - converts a string to a logical
 C_CTRL()       - the INKEY() code for Ctrl key
 C_CURSIZE()    - sets the size of the cursor
 C_CURTAIN()    - displays a box with curtain opening effect
 C_DATECAT()    - concatenates day/month/year as a date
 C_DATESCAT()   - concatenates day/month/year as a string
 C_DBBOX()      - draws a box with titles, headers, footers
 C_DBCOLOR()    - converts a numeric color to a color string
 C_DBF()        - views DBF; tag records, move/resize window, search
 C_DEC2HEX()    - converts decimal value to hexadecimal string
 C_DECRYPT()    - decrypts a string
 C_DEFDRIVE()   - gets/sets default drive
 C_DIRTOA()     - loads file names in array for display or C_BACKUP()
 C_DISKBYTE()   - bytes per sector on a disk
 C_DISKCLUS()   - number of clusters on a disk
 C_DISKEMPTY()  - checks if disk is empty
 C_DISKSECT()   - sectors per cluster on a disk
 C_DISKSTAT()   - returns disk status of drive
 C_DISKTYPE()   - type of disk in drive (360, H/D, etc.)
 C_DOSVER()     - the DOS version number
 C_DRIVESTR()   - returns all drives on system as a string
 C_EDAYS()      - the elapsed days from two dates
 C_EMONTHS()    - the elasped months from two dates
 C_ENCRYPT()    - encrypts a string
 C_ERASE()      - erases file(s) based on filespec (*, ? allowed)
 C_ERR()        - centers lines in box with opt. timer, color
 C_EXIST()      - checks for the existence of file(s)
 C_EXPDATE()    - expands a date in 4 different formats
 C_EXPLODE()    - displays a box with exploding effect
 C_EXTCOLOR()   - extracts nth part of color string
 C_EYEARS()     - the elasped years from two dates
 C_FADV()       - positions to next line in text file
 C_FFATTR()     - returns attributes of current file found
 C_FFDATE()     - returns time of current file found
 C_FFSIZE()     - returns size of current file found
 C_FFTIME()     - returns time of current file found
 C_FGCOLOR()    - returns the foreground of color string
 C_FILEAPPEND() - appends one file to another
 C_FILEATTR()   - gets/sets file attribute byte for a file
 C_FILEBYTE()   - returns 1 byte from file handle
 C_FILECHR()    - returns occurrences of a character in a file
 C_FILECNTZ()   - appends an end-of-file marker to file
 C_FILECOPY()   - copies a file to another
 C_FILEDATE()   - gets/sets the date for a file
 C_FILEEND()    - positions file to end-of-file
 C_FILEEOF()    - checks if file is at end-of-file
 C_FILEGRAB()   - reads a file into character string
 C_FILEINFO()   - returns size, date, time, attr. for one file
 C_FILELN()     - the number of lines in text file
 C_FILENAME()   - extracts file name from full path
 C_FILEPOS()    - returns the file position of file
 C_FILEREAD()   - reads a line from a text file
 C_FILESIZE()   - the file size of a file
 C_FILESPEC()   - checks if file name matches the filespec
 C_FILESTAMP()  - gets/sets date and time for a file
 C_FILESTR()    - searches a file for string
 C_FILETIME()   - gets/sets the time for a file
 C_FILETOP()    - positions file to top-of-file
 C_FILEWIPE()   - destroys the contents of a file
 C_FILEWRITE()  - writes string and new-line to file
 C_FILL()       - fills area on the screen with color, box
 C_FINDCNT()    - file count of files matching filespec
 C_FINDFILE()   - fills array(s) with file names, sizes, etc.
 C_FINDFIRST()  - finds first file match
 C_FINDNEXT()   - finds next file match
 C_FLDINFO()    - returns field type, length for a DBF field
 C_FREV()       - positions to previous line in text file
 C_FSPACE()     - the amount of free space for a disk
 C_FTOMACRO()   - converts field names in a DBF to a macro
 C_GETATTR()    - returns screen color for row/column
 C_GETBORDER()  - gets the screen border color
 C_GETCURCOL()  - gets the column position of the real cursor
 C_GETCURROW()  - gets the row position of the real cursor
 C_GETDIR()     - the current directory ("\" if root)
 C_GETDRIVES()  - the total number of drives on the system
 C_GETGAME()    - the number of game ports
 C_GETMODE()    - the current video display mode
 C_GETPAR()     - the number of parallel ports
 C_GETPATH()    - the full path name including drive (C:\PATH)
 C_GETRAM()     - the amount of base memory
 C_GETSER()     - the number of serial ports
 C_GETTEXT()    - gets user input without using GET/READ
 C_GETVAR()     - returns contents of current GET
 C_GETVIDEO()   - the type of video adaptor (VGA, etc.)
 C_HANDLES()    - the number of file handles in use
 C_HEX2DEC()    - converts hexadecimal string to decimal value
 C_HIDECOLOR()  - the hidden attributes of color string
 C_HIGHCOLOR()  - high intensity of color string
 C_INSERT()     - gets/sets the Insert key
 C_INTEXT()     - displays a string in an "inward" effect
 C_ISCOM()      - checks if a COM port is ready
 C_ISCURSOR()   - gets/sets the cursor on/off state
 C_ISDATA()     - checks if character is ASCII 32-127
 C_ISDBF()      - checks if file is a dBASE/Clipper DBF
 C_ISDBT()      - checks if DBF has associated DBT file
 C_ISDEVICE()   - checks if printer for COM port is ready
 C_ISDIR()      - checks if directory exists
 C_ISDISK()     - checks if drive is valid
 C_ISDRIVE()    - checks if drive is ready
 C_ISEXTKB()    - checks if extended keyboard
 C_ISFIXED()    - checks if drive is fixed
 C_ISLEAP()     - checks if date is a leap year
 C_ISLPT()      - checks if LPT port is ready
 C_ISMATH()     - checks if math co-processor installed
 C_ISMODEM()    - checks if modem for COM port is ready
 C_ISOPEN()     - checks if DBF is open using range
 C_ISPRINT()    - checks if printer (LPT or COM) is ready
 C_ISREMOVE()   - checks if drive is removeable
 C_ISSTATE()    - checks if state code is valid
 C_KBEFLAGS()   - returns extended keyboard key status
 C_KBFLAGS()    - returns keyboard key status
 C_KEYBOARD()   - clears/stuffs keyboard buffer
 C_KEYCODE()    - waits for a key and returns key code
 C_KEYRATE()    - sets the keyboard's rate for repeat
 C_LASTDAY()    - the last day of a month
 C_LINE()       - draws line horizontally, connects to line/box
 C_LOWCOLOR()   - low intensity of color string
 C_LPTINIT()    - initializes LPT port
 C_LPTSTAT()    - the status of LPT port
 C_LPTWRITE()   - writes character to LPT port
 C_LTOC()       - converts a logical to a string
 C_LTON()       - converts drive letter to drive number
 C_LTSTR()      - left justifies a character string
 C_MAXHANDLES() - the maximum handles available
 C_MENU()       - pull-down menu; boxes, shadows, messages, title
 C_MENUBAR()    - bar style menu; messages, box, color, title
 C_MIDDLE()     - centers text using @ SAY
 C_MKDIR()      - creates a directory
 C_MSG()        - centers lines of text in box with prompts
 C_NCOLOR()     - converts color string to numeric color
 C_NOPARM()     - checks if parameter is undefined/empty
 C_NOSPACE()    - checks if string contains spaces
 C_NTOL()       - converts drive number to drive letter
 C_NUM2BIN()    - converts number to binary string
 C_NUMLOCK()    - gets/sets the Num Lock key
 C_OUTTEXT()    - displays string in an "outward" effect
 C_PAN()        - scrolls screen right/left for an area
 C_PARTSTR()    - extracts characters from string
 C_PATHNAME()   - extracts path name from full path
 C_PICK()       - views array; tag, move/resize window, search
 C_PIXREAD()    - the numeric color of pixel
 C_PIXWRITE()   - sets a pixel to a color
 C_POP()        - pop-up menu; color, box, explode, shadow, title
 C_PRNTSCRN()   - prints the screen with opt. form-feed
 C_PROMPT()     - GET/READ at row/column; box, picture, valid
 C_PUSHTEXT()   - displays string in a "pushing" effect
 C_QINPUT()     - gets input; echoes given character ("*")
 C_RANDOM()     - returns a random number (length 1 to 8)
 C_READARR()    - restores a Clipper array from a disk file
 C_READEMPTY()  - checks if current GET is empty
 C_READSCRN()   - reads characters from screen at row/column
 C_RESTORE()    - restores specified file(s) from backup
 C_REVCOLOR()   - reverses given color string
 C_RMDIR()      - removes a directory
 C_RTSTR()      - right justifies a character string
 C_SAYTEXT()    - writes string at row/column with color
 C_SCRLOCK()    - gets/sets the Scroll Lock key
 C_SCROLL()     - scrolls screen up/down for an area
 C_SDAY()       - returns the day of a date as a string
 C_SEARCH()     - fills a Clipper array w/ record numbers
 C_SECURE()     - locks DBF from being opened by program
 C_SELECT()     - views DBF or array; tag, complete or subset
 C_SETATTR()    - sets screen attributes for an area
 C_SETBORDER()  - sets the screen border color
 C_SETCURSOR()  - sets the row/column position of the real cursor
 C_SETDBT()     - allows DBF to be opened without it's DBT
 C_SETHANDLES() - sets the number of files that can be opened
 C_SETMODE()    - sets the video display mode
 C_SETNCOLOR()  - gets/sets Clipper's color using numeric color
 C_SHADOW()     - draws a shadow around a box or window
 C_SHADOWIT()   - draws non-destructive shadow around box/window
 C_SLEEP()      - delays processing for a given time
 C_SLIDE()      - moves screen with sliding effect
 C_SMONTH()     - returns the month of a date as a string
 C_SOFTCR()     - converts soft returns
 C_SOFTLEN()    - returns string length for C_SOFTCR()
 C_STDCLOSE()   - closes DOS file handles allowing more handles
 C_STRCOUNT()   - returns the occurrences of characters in string
 C_STRDELIM()   - extracts parts from a delimited string
 C_STRFILL()    - expands string with spaces
 C_STRING()     - displays string in any direction
 C_STRPARSE()   - returns nth occurrence of characters
 C_STRSRCH()    - finds nth position of characters in string
 C_SYEAR()      - returns the year of a date as a string
 C_SYSDATE()    - gets/sets the system date
 C_SYSDAY()     - the day-of-the-week of system date
 C_SYSTIME()    - gets/sets the system time
 C_SYY()        - returns the year of a date as a string
 C_TEXT()       - displays text in a box, reverse, or intensity
 C_TMPNAME()    - returns temp. file name using mask
 C_TSPACE()     - available space for disk
 C_UNIQUEKEY()  - returns occurrences of key in index
 C_UPLOW()      - capitalizes first letter of each word
 C_VIEW()       - views text file; move/resize window, search
 C_VIEWSTR()    - views text/memo field; move/resize window, search
 C_VINIT()      - initializes memory variables to empty status
 C_VLINE()      - draws line vertically, connects to line/box
 C_VPUBLIC()    - creates public memory variables from fields
 C_VRELEASE()   - releases public memory variables
 C_VREPL()      - replicates characters vertically
 C_VREPLACE()   - replaces memory variables to DBF fields
 C_VSTORE()     - stores DBF fields to memory variables
 C_VTOC()       - converts any data type to character
 C_WCLEAR()     - clears ClipOn window
 C_WCOL()       - returns window column coordinate for GET
 C_WFILL()      - fills window with color and opt. character
 C_WGET()       - performs SAY/GET in window
 C_WGETINFO()   - returns window information
 C_WIMPLODE()   - implode a ClipOn window
 C_WINDOW()     - opens a ClipOn window; color, box, title
 C_WMOVE()      - moves window on the screen to a new location
 C_WPAN()       - scrolls window right/left
 C_WRAP()       - wraps given character string
 C_WRAPLEN()    - returns string length for C_WRAP()
 C_WREAD()      - reads window from a disk file
 C_WRELEASE()   - releases ClipOn window
 C_WRESTORE()   - restores saved window to screen
 C_WRITEARR()   - saves Clipper array to a disk file
 C_WROW()       - returns window row coordinate for GET
 C_WSAVE()      - opens a ClipOn window
 C_WSAY()       - displays text in window with color/centering
 C_WSCROLL()    - scrolls window up/down
 C_WVIEW()      - views text string in a ClipOn window
 C_WWRITE()     - writes window to a disk file
 C_XBROWSE()    - browse DBF; add/chg/del, move/resize window, search
 C_XSHADOW()    - draws non-destructive shadow around box/window
 C_XWINDOW()    - opens ClipOn window; box, shadow, color, explode
 C_ZAPDIR()     - erases files in directory, removes directory
 C_ZAPDISK()    - erases all files, directories on floppy disk
 C_ZTOB()       - converts zeroes to blank spaces

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