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 AADD()          Add a new element to the end of an array
 ABS()           Return the absolute value of a numeric expression
 ACHOICE()       Execute a pop-up menu
 ACLONE()        Duplicate a nested or multidimensional array
 ACOPY()         Copy elements from one array to another
 ADEL()          Delete an array element
 ADIR()*         Fill a series of arrays with directory information
 AEVAL()         Execute a code block for each element in an array
 AFIELDS()*      Fill arrays with the structure of the current database file
 AFILL()         Fill an array with a specified value
 AINS()          Insert a NIL element into an array
 ALERT()         Display a simple modal dialog box
 ALIAS()         Return a specified work area alias
 ALLTRIM()       Remove leading and trailing spaces from a character string
 ALTD()          Invoke The CA-Clipper Debugger
 ARRAY()         Create an uninitialized array of specified length
 ASC()           Convert a character to its ASCII value
 ASCAN()         Scan an array for a value or until block returns true (.T.)
 ASIZE()         Grow or shrink an array
 ASORT()         Sort an array
 AT()            Return the position of a substring within a character string
 ATAIL()         Return the highest numbered element of an array
 BIN2I()         Convert a 16-bit signed integer to a numeric value
 BIN2L()         Convert a 32-bit signed integer to a numeric value
 BIN2W()         Convert a 16-bit unsigned integer to a numeric value
 BOF()           Determine when beginning of file is encountered
 BREAK()         Branch out of a BEGIN SEQUENCE...END construct
 BROWSE()*       Browse records within a window                              .
 CDOW()          Convert a date value to a character day of the week
 CHR()           Convert an ASCII code to a character value
 CMONTH()        Convert a date to a character month name
 COL()           Return the screen cursor column position
 COLORSELECT()   Activate attribute in current color settings                .
 CTOD()          Convert a date string to a date value
 CURDIR()        Return the current DOS directory
 DATE()          Return the system date as a date value
 DAY()           Return the day of the month as a numeric value
 DBAPPEND()      Add a new record
 DBCLEARFIL()    Clear a filter condition
 DBCLEARIND()    Close all indexes for the current work area
 DBCLEARREL()    Clear active relations
 DBCLOSEALL()    Close all occupied work areas
 DBCLOSEAREA()   Close a work area
 DBCOMMIT()      Flush pending updates
 DBCOMMITALL()   Flush pending updates in all work areas
 DBCREATE()      Create a database file from a database structure array      .
 DBCREATEIND()   Create an index file
 DBDELETE()      Mark a record for deletion
 DBEDIT()*       Browse records in a table layout                            .
 DBEVAL()        Evaluate a code block for records matching a scope/condition
 DBF()*          Return current alias name
 DBFILTER()      Return the current filter expression as a character string
 DBGOBOTTOM()    Move to the last logical record
 DBGOTO()        Move to the record having the specified record number
 DBGOTOP()       Move to the first logical record
 DBRECALL()      Reinstate a record marked for deletion
 DBREINDEX()     Recreate all active indexes for the current work area
 DBRELATION()    Return the linking expression of a specified relation
 DBRSELECT()     Return the target work area number of a relation
 DBSEEK()        Move to the record having the specified key value
 DBSELECTAR()    Change the current work area
 DBSETDRIVER()   Return the default database driver and set a new driver
 DBSETFILTER()   Set a filter condition
 DBSETINDEX()    Open an index
 DBSETORDER()    Set the controlling order
 DBSETRELAT()    Relate two work areas
 DBSKIP()        Move relative to the current record
 DBSTRUCT()      Create an array containing the structure of a database file
 DBUNLOCK()      Release all locks for the current work area
 DBUNLOCKALL()   Release all locks for all work areas
 DBUSEAREA()     Use a database file in a work area
 DELETED()       Return the deleted status of the current record
 DESCEND()       Create a descending index key value
 DEVOUT()        Write a value to the current device
 DEVOUTPICT()    Write a value to the current device using a picture clause
 DEVPOS()        Move the cursor or printhead to a new position
 DIRECTORY()     Create an array of directory and file information
 DISKSPACE()     Return the space available on a specified disk
 DISPBEGIN()     Begin buffering screen output                               .
 DISPBOX()       Display a box on the screen
 DISPCOUNT()     Return the number of pending DISPEND() requests             .
 DISPEND()       Display buffered screen updates                             .
 DISPOUT()       Write a value to the display
 DOSERROR()      Return the last DOS error number
 DOW()           Convert a date value to a numeric day of the week
 DTOC()          Convert a date value to a character string
 DTOS()          Convert a date value to a string formatted as yyyymmdd
 EMPTY()         Determine if the result of an expression is empty
 EOF()           Determine when end of file is encountered
 ERRORBLOCK()    Post a code block to execute when a runtime error occurs
 ERRORLEVEL()    Set the CA-Clipper return code
 EVAL()          Evaluate a code block
 EXP()           Calculate e**x
 FCLOSE()        Close an open binary file and write DOS buffers to disk
 FCOUNT()        Return the number of fields in the current (.dbf) file
 FCREATE()       Create and/or truncate a binary file to zero-length
 FERASE()        Delete a file from disk
 FERROR()        Test for errors after a binary file operation
 FIELDBLOCK()    Return a set-get code block for a given field
 FIELDGET()      Retrieve the value of a field variable
 FIELDNAME()     Return a field name from the current (.dbf) file
 FIELDPOS()      Return the position of a field in a work area
 FIELDPUT()      Set the value of a field variable
 FIELDWBLOCK()   Return a set-get code block for a field in a given work area
 FILE()          Determine if files exists
 FKLABEL()*      Return function key name
 FKMAX()*        Return number of function keys as a constant
 FLOCK()         Lock an open and shared database file
 FOPEN()         Open a binary file
 FOUND()         Determine if the previous search operation succeeded
 FREAD()         Read characters from a binary file into a buffer variable
 FREADSTR()      Read characters from a binary file
 FRENAME()       Change the name of a file
 FSEEK()         Set a binary file pointer to a new position
 FWRITE()        Write to an open binary file
 GETENV()        Retrieve the contents of a DOS environment variable
 HARDCR()        Replace all soft carriage returns with hard carriage returns
 HEADER()        Return the current database file header length
 I2BIN()         Convert a CA-Clipper numeric to a 16-bit binary integer
 IF()            Return the result of an expression based on a condition
 INDEXEXT()      Return default index extension based on the database driver
 INDEXKEY()      Return the key expression of a specified index
 INDEXORD()      Return the order position of the controlling index
 INKEY()         Extract a character from the keyboard buffer
 INT()           Convert a numeric value to an integer
 ISALPHA()       Determine if leftmost character in a string is alphabetic
 ISCOLOR()       Determine if the current computer has color capability
 ISDIGIT()       Determine if leftmost character in a string is a digit
 ISLOWER()       Determine if leftmost character is a lowercase letter
 ISPRINTER()     Determine whether the LPT1 is ready
 ISUPPER()       Determine if leftmost character in a string is uppercase
 L2BIN()         Convert CA-Clipper numeric value to 32-bit binary integer
 LASTKEY()       Return the last key extracted from the keyboard buffer
 LASTREC()       Determine the number of records in the current (.dbf) file
 LEFT()          Extract a substring beginning with the leftmost character
 LEN()           Return length of a string or number of array elements
 LOG()           Calculate the natural logarithm of a numeric value
 LOWER()         Convert uppercase characters to lowercase
 LTRIM()         Remove leading spaces from a character string
 LUPDATE()       Return the last modification date of a (.dbf) file
 MAX()           Return the larger of two numeric or date values
 MAXCOL()        Determine the maximum visible screen column
 MAXROW()        Determine the maximum visible screen row
 MEMOEDIT()      Display or edit character strings and memo fields           .
 MEMOEDIT()...   continued
 MEMOLINE()      Extract a line of text from a character string or memo field
 MEMOREAD()      Return the contents of a disk file as a character string
 MEMORY()        Determine the amount of available free pool memory
 MEMOTRAN()      Replace carriage return/linefeeds in character strings
 MEMOWRIT()      Write a character string or memo field to a disk file
 MEMVARBLOCK()   Return a set-get code block for a given memory variable
 MIN()           Return the smaller of two numeric or date values
 MLCOUNT()       Count number of lines in a character string or memo field
 MLCTOPOS()      Return byte position based on line and column position
 MLPOS()         Determine the position of a line in a string or memo field
 MOD()*          Return dBASE III PLUS modulus of two numbers
 MONTH()         Convert a date value to the number of the month
 MPOSTOLC()      Return line and column position based on byte position
 NETERR()        Determine if a network command has failed
 NETNAME()       Return the current workstation identification
 NEXTKEY()       Read the pending key in the keyboard buffer
 NOSNOW()        Toggle snow suppression
 OS()            Return the operating system name
 OUTERR()        Write a list of values to the standard error device
 OUTSTD()        Write a list of values to the standard output device
 PAD()           Pad character, date, or numeric value with a fill character
 PCOL()          Return the current column position of the printhead
 PCOUNT()        Determine the position of the last actual parameter passed
 PROCLINE()      Return source line number of current or previous activation
 PROCNAME()      Return name of current or previous procedure or function
 PROW()          Return the current row position of the printhead
 QOUT()          Display a list of expressions to the console
 RAT()           Return the position of the last occurrence of a substring
 READEXIT()      Toggle Uparrow and Dnarrow as READ exit keys
 READINSERT()    Toggle the current insert mode for READ and MEMOEDIT()
 READKEY()*      Determine what key terminated a READ
 READMODAL()     Activate a full-screen editing mode for a GetList
 READVAR()       Return the current GET/MENU variable name
 RECCOUNT()*     Determine the number of records in the current (.dbf) file
 RECNO()         Return the current record number of a work area
 RECSIZE()       Determine the record length of a database (.dbf) file
 REPLICATE()     Return a string repeated a specified number of times
 RESTSCREEN()    Display a saved screen region to a specified location
 RIGHT()         Return a substring beginning with the rightmost character
 RLOCK()         Lock the current record in the active work area
 ROUND()         Return numeric value rounded to a specified number of digits
 ROW()           Return the screen row position of the cursor
 RTRIM()         Remove trailing spaces from a character string
 SAVESCREEN()    Save a screen region for later display
 SCROLL()        Scroll a screen region up or down, right or left            .
 SECONDS()       Return the number of seconds elapsed since midnight
 SELECT()        Determine the work area number of a specified alias
 SET()           Inspect or change a system setting
 SETBLINK()      Toggle asterisk (*) interpretation in SETCOLOR()
 SETCANCEL()     Toggle Alt-C and Ctrl-Break as program termination keys
 SETCOLOR()      Return the current colors and optionally set new colors
 SETCURSOR()     Set the cursor shape
 SETKEY()        Assign an action block to a key
 SETMODE()       Change display mode to a specified number of rows, columns
 SETPOS()        Move the cursor to a new position
 SETPRC()        Set PROW() and PCOL() values
 SOUNDEX()       Convert a character string to soundex form
 SPACE()         Return a string of spaces
 SQRT()          Return the square root of a positive number
 STR()           Convert a numeric expression to a character string
 STRTRAN()       Search and replace characters within a string or memo field
 STUFF()         Delete and insert characters in a string
 SUBSTR()        Extract a substring from a character string
 TIME()          Return the system time
 TONE()          Sound a speaker tone for a specified frequency and duration
 TRANSFORM()     Convert any value into a formatted character string
 TYPE()          Determine the type of an expression
 UPDATED()       Determine whether a GET changed during a READ
 UPPER()         Convert lowercase characters to uppercase
 USED()          Determine whether a database file is in USE
 VAL()           Convert a character number to numeric type
 VALTYPE()       Determine the data type returned by an expression
 VERSION()       Returns CA-Clipper version
 WORD()*         Convert CALL command numeric parameters from double to int
 YEAR()          Convert a date value to the year as a numeric value

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