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 ADD_REC     Network: Attempts to add a new record
 AFTYPE      Gets the data type of an ASAVE() array file
 ALONGEST    Determine the longest string in an array (option: within a range)
 ALPHAAT     Locate the first alpha (A-Z,a-z) character
 ARESTC      Restores an ASAVEC() character array from a disk file
 ARESTD      Restores an ASAVED() date array from a disk file
 ARESTL      Restores an ASAVEL() logical array from a disk file
 ARESTN      Restores an ASAVEN() numeric array from a disk file
 ARESTX      Restores an ASAVEX() mixed type array from a disk file
 ASAVEC      Saves a character array to a disk file
 ASAVED      Saves a date array to a disk file
 ASAVEL      Saves a logical array to a disk file
 ASAVEN      Saves a numeric array to a disk file
 ASAVEX      Saves a mixed type array to a disk file
 ASIZE       Gets the number of elements in an ASAVE() array file
 ASTORE      Array initialization by parameter passing (compact source code)
 ATNEXT      Find the n'th occurrence of a character in a string
 ATT         Change screen attributes without changing text
 AUTOFREE    Releases PUBLIC "m->" mvar dupes for all fields in selected DBF
 AUTOMEM     Creates PUBLIC "m->" mvar dupes for all fields in selected DBF
 BEEP        Sound the System Speaker (ie. the "Bell") <n> times
 BLANK       Returns EMPTY value of any field or memory variable
 BLINKOFF    Enables 16 background colors on EGA, MCGA, or VGA
 BLINKON     Enables 8 blinking background colors on EGA, MCGA, or VGA
 BOXCHOICE() Display a self-sizing CUA-style boxed ACHOICE() selection window
 BOXGET      Display a shadow-boxed single GET box & wait for input
 BOXGETS     Display a shadow-boxed multi-GET box & wait for input
 BOXMSG      Display a shadow-boxed dialog box & return response
 BOXREST     Restores a screen region using stored coordinates and size
 BOXSAVE     Save a screen region, its coordinates, and size
 CENTER      Center a character string within a string of blanks
 CHRCNT      Character Count - total occurrences of a character in a sting
 CLEARLKEY   Clear the LASTKEY() value
 CONSTANTS   Declare some standard values as mnemonic PUBLIC variables
 CREATEDBF   Create a DBF from a Structure File
 CTRPOS      Get the column position to center a string [between two columns]
 CTRTXT      Get starting column to center text on the display screen
 DATE2STR    Convert a Date value to a string of format YYMMDD
 DATEVLD     Check for a Valid Date
 DBLBOX      Puts a shadow-boxed Double Wide Box on the screen
 DELAY       Wait <n> seconds or until a key is pressed (but save keystroke)
 ERASEALL    Delete files from disk, only if they exist (use wildcards)
 ERASEFILE   Delete a file from disk, only if it exists
 FDATETIME   Get a file's Date & Time Stamp information from DOS
 FEOF        Detect EOF (End of File) condition
 FIL_LOCK    Network: Attempts to lock the current shared file
 FREADLN     Read a line from an ASCII file up to the CR/LF
 FWRITELN    Write a sting to an ASCII file with added CR & LF
 ISALTERNAT  Get the current value of Clipper's SET ALTERNATE setting
 ISBELL      Get the current value of Clipper's SET BELL setting
 ISCENTURY   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CENTURY setting
 ISCONFIRM   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CONFIRM setting
 ISCONSOLE   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CONSOLE setting
 ISCURSOR    Get cursor on / off status
 ISDELETED   Get the current value of Clipper's SET DELETED setting
 ISDELIMS    Get the current value of Clipper's SET DELIMITED setting
 ISESCAPE    Get the current value of Clipper's SET ESCAPE setting
 ISEXACT     Get the current value of Clipper's SET EXACT setting
 ISEXCLUSIV  Get the current value of Clipper's SET EXCLUSIVE setting
 ISFIXED     Get the current value of Clipper's SET FIXED setting
 ISINTENSE   Get the current value of Clipper's SET INTENSITY setting
 ISPRINTON   Get the current value of Clipper's SET PRINT setting
 ISSCORE     Get the current value of Clipper's SET SCOREBOARD setting
 ISSOFTSEEK  Get the current value of Clipper's SET SOFTSEEK setting
 ISUNIQUE    Get the current value of Clipper's SET UNIQUE setting
 ISWRAP      Get the current value of Clipper's SET WRAP setting
 LJUST       Left justify a string or number in a field or mvar
 MENUH       Horizontal MENU TO with highlighted trigger letters
 MENUV       Vertical MENU TO with highlighted trigger letters
 MENUPD      Pull-Down Menu with highlighted trigger letters
 MSGBOX      Display a shadow-boxed dialog box & return response
 NET_USE     Network: Attempts to open a file for exclusive or shared use
 NEWREC      Locate or append a new record
 OPENDBF     SELECT or USE a DBF file, when status is unknown
 PDM_FSETUP  Read PDM_INIT() (Pull Down Menu) set up values from an ASC file
 PDM_INIT    Initialize remaining optional PDM PUBLIC arrays
 PDM_HELP    Default Help Message Box, if no PDM Help Function is defined
 PICKCOLOR   Select color from interactive display
 POPCHOICE   Display a shadow-boxed ACHOICE() window & wait for selection
 POPGET      Display a shadow-boxed @ SAY / GET on the screen & wait for input
 POPMSG      Display a shadow-boxed message on the screen & wait for keypress
 RECCLEAR    Clear all fields in the current record to a BLANK() condition
 REPLPOS     Replace characters in a string beginning at a specified position
 READX       READ with time out option
 REC_LOCK    Network: Attempts to lock the current record
 RJUST       Right justify a string in a character field
 SAFEPACK    Perform a recoverable PACK (also packs an associated .DBT)
 SAYATT      Prints a string with attributes
 SCRBLANK    Screen blanker with scrolling message
 SETALTERNAT Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET ALTERNAT setting
 SETBELL     Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET BELL setting
 SETCENTURY  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CENTURY setting
 SETCONFIRM  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CONFIRM setting
 SETCONSOLE  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CONSOLE setting
 SETCURSOR   Get & Set Cursor Status
 SETDELETED  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET DELETED setting
 SETDELIMS   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET DELIMITED setting
 SETESCAPE   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET ESCAPE setting
 SETEXACT    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET EXACT setting
 SETEXCLUSIV Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET EXCLUSIVE setting
 SETFIXED    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET FIXED setting
 SETINTENSE  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET INTENSITY setting
 SETPOS      Get & Set current cursor screen position
 SETPRINTON  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET PRINT setting
 SETSCORE    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET SCOREBOARD setting
 SETSCRSTAT  Get & Set the current screen status (row,column,cursor,color)
 SETSCRSTS   Get & Set the current screen status (row,column,cursor,color)
 SETSOFTSEEK Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET SOFTSEEK setting
 SETUNIQUE   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET UNIQUE setting
 SETWRAP     Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET WRAP setting
 SHADOWBOX   Clear & shadow box a screen area (draw border box optional)
 SIZEDBF     Adjust the number of records in a fixed size DBF
 STR2DATE    Convert a Date string with the format YYMMDD to DATE type
 STR2REC     Replace all fields in a DBF record from a string variable
 STR2TIME    Convert a time string with the format HHMMSS to HH:MM:SS
 TABKEY      Simulates Field Exit key
 TABKEYSH    Simulates Shift Field Exit key
 TESTSCREEN  Fills the screen with background characters (useful for testing)
 TIME2STR    Convert 8 digit time string to a 6 digit time string
 TIME2VAL    Convert a string mVar into its decimal equivalent in hours
 ZFILL       Zero Fill a string or numeric value

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