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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! CC.LIB - ClipCode CLIPPER S'87 Library - <b>fwriteln() write a sting to an ascii file with added cr & lf</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 FWRITELN()  Write a sting to an ASCII file with added CR & LF

 Syntax....: FWRITELN( f_hdl, string [,bytes] )
 Parameters: <expN>:  f_hdl = the file handle number returned by the file
                              file open function
             <expC>: string = the string to write
             <expN>: bytes  = the number of bytes to write

 Returns...: <expN>: the number of bytes written
 Cautions..: this is a low level file function, use caution
 CC Calls..: none
 Alias.....: none

 Example...: f_hdl= FOPEN( "FileName.Ext" )
             FWRITELN( f_hdl, string[, bytes] )
 Comment...: use with Clipper's:
               FOPEN(), FCREATE(), FREAD(), FWRITE(), FCLOSE(), FERROR()


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